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  • Birthday 03/05/1993

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  1. ​xD You painted your name . But on the background "PartySearch" you didnt pay attention ? Conspirator Ghidet!
  2. ​Thank you! I solved the problem: turned Off - windows update. Svchost.exe is about 5mb/sek.
  3. Sorrz for my bad engish in advance! I play la2 via iPhone-WiFi (i use Phone as Modem). How much does Classic need MB/Hour? Cause i see now its about 1gb/hour, wtf? Interldude or smth like this was about 3-15mb/hour. Thank you!
  4. Recruiting 30+ +10% CH Dion "CheMiist "MrFANKA "Horrow "GuessWho
  5. Вне КП, начал в понедельник. Щас делаю 2ую профу, Фулл Ц. Совет - забей себе френдлист нужными тебе профами и проблема будет решена. Как бы КП, но каждый раз разные составляющие
  6. NPC Buffer without 3rd Prof! MP Potions!
  7. I was searched for some inf about Restarts and didnt find nothing. Every Freiday/Monday at 10:00 GMT+0? How long? Thx in advance!
  8. write me "MrFANKA Leader is from Lithuania, but ClanChat only English. 10% Bonus, 4 lvl Clan. Active, friendly. 30ppl in clan, about 30% are online. In the evening about 50% online