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Posts posted by Narmontas

  1. Hello hello all people. I'm testing dagger classes out here and I've found them so unbelievably weak that I think something is dead wrong...
    I've been looking for Formulas and stuff maybe we got a russian guy who could translate for a reference please? 



    ATM ​ I did testing myself a lot of testing... to be honest. I wanna share finding with you... I was hitting CH NPC at Gludio (So don't know Its exact p.def still)...

    Dark Elf 52 LVL (41 STR 34 DEX 32 CON)  [Critical Dmg Passive +177]  I've done 2 tests...

    1.  Weapon : Dagger (Starting No gr 5 p.atk 5 m.atk)  [Character p.atk 60]
     Normal Hit - 9 - 10  dmg . Crit = 47-48 dmg

    Normal Hit [with ss] 18-20 dmg. Crit [with ss] 65-68 dmg.

    Normal critical hit [Vicious stance] = 88-90 dmg. 

    Normal critical hit [Vicious stance] +[ss] = 108-109 dmg.


    Death Blow 497-525  ; Back Stab 493-525 (critical skill 1015 dmg)

     Death Blow +[ss] 749-800 ; Back Stab +[ss] 744-781 (critical skill 1495 dmg)
      Death Blow [Vicious stance] 747-774 ;   Back Stab [Vicious stance] 751-779  (critical skill 1540 dmg)

        Death Blow [Vicious stance] +[ss] 1005-1054  ; Back Stab [Vicious stance] +[ss] 997-1021

    2. Weapon : Crystal Dagger (TopC gr 136 p.atk 83 m.atk)

     Normal hit 57-61. Crit = 135-141

    Normal Hit [with ss] = 112-121 dmg. Crit [with ss] 237-253

    Normal critical hit [Vicious stance] = 174-180

     Normal critical hit [Vicious stance] +[ss] = 279-291


    Death Blow  535-570 ; Back Stab 535-569
     Death Blow + [ss] 831-868 ; Back Stab +[ss] 843-908
     Death Blow [Vicious stance] 795-819 ; Back Stab [Vicious stance] 794-826
      Death Blow [Vicious stance] + [ss] 1096-1150 ; Back Stab [Vicious stance] + [ss] 1106-1166 (critical skill 2245 dmg)

    I just don't know why can't kill dark blue monsters x1 with 1 shot of back stab... Is monsters p.def that strong? Or rly daggers used to be that lame?


  2. I think of Playing for Treasure Hunter and wtf I guess that TH will suck in this server and i gonna cry out loud whole year because I wont be able to kill same level wizard with my backstabs ^^ :D  Guess I am wrong. So please mages I dare you at level 40-48+ don't use Karmian just use devotion sets. I don't wanna know that my dag might be screwed :D

  3. 1. OL can use all his skills at clan and party members?

    2. WC can buff clan members too?

    3. WC have the OL debuffs?

    ​1. Yes

    2. Only party buff

    3. No

    ​1. Yep
    2. No

    3. No

    WC will have buffs like :                           OL will have buffs like :

    Chant Of vampire                                    Shield Def rate
    Crit Rate                                                  Berserker Spirit
    Crit Dmg
    Atk speed
    Greater P.atk
    Greater P.def

  4. Well you decide why you can to play here... you really want this server to be official like? I mean... come on... Official is 0,7x rates so here will be 4x faster and better adena rate/stuff...

    a) Official having 5000 online ~800+ players - bots.  Number which never falls... You can see running bot spoiler in Elven Forest when you at level 1... After 3 weeks you doing your 2nd class change still same dwarf same spot still boting... U report like INSANE Bot report button... After 2 months you think of rerol character... you got adena and stuff shots as well... You started new elven character... wtf? SAME BOT SAME SPOT... FARMING SAME MONSTERS... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.... "Official Bot policy"

    b) If here will be like 500 online from which will be bots like 1-20 and their number will be checked constantly by a Staff and Bot report button will work... Tell me why we need this 1k  adena cap?  So that you might farm  100 monsters and go  turn your quest each 100 monsters you kill?  Ok... you are with a party in Abandoned Camps Center... please go turn in quest for 1k reward... Or you get 500 q items and you will get 5k reward? :OOOO . 

    First think of it about reasons why Official having some quests fckd up , and think do we really need to fck up quests here as well because NCSOFT  are fighting with this against bots? :D

  5. People claiming that Draqla said that cap will be removed , but can't dig out official source. Well to be honest there's only one adequate solution and It's not having any quest item reward cap here...

    Those caps were installed  in order to prevent bots from farming unlimited adenas , but since this server will have unique bot policy... ;) No need capping here.

  6. One thing is a miss. STR increases not just only p.atk but Dagger blows as well. How I tested it? I puted dyes -10 STR So instead of 124 p.atk I got 104 p.atk Then I bought Mithril dagger +4 and p.atk was 155. With that best dagger My normal hits dmg was stronger but blows was like 20% lower dmg than before with p.atk of 124. So STR increases not just p.atk but power of skills as well. You should test it yourself.

    ​Read what i wrote.


    "STR increases base p.atk. (so that has negligible effect) but also critical damage multiplier (about 1% per point or so, but it adds up)."

    So with -STR and better dagger you have more p.atk (because of the dagger), but lower critical damage (due to lower STR).


    I remember testing on beta 1 and it didnt increase critdmg % multiplier... You think it increases because dmg will be higher anyway...  Str only increase base Patack... At least that was my result on beta 1 tests... Have to check it again... 

    Anyway, endless discussion here... As I can understand, OP is complaining about STR not having effects on dmg of fighter skills, wich is not true... And in fact, by comparison with other servers I think that dagger dmg here is nerfed... Or maybe MOBS HP or Pdef are raised...  Cause normally a dagger can 1 shot green mobs with backstab and here is not possible... 

    ​I did desting myself. STR actually increases dagger skill dmg with % how? Simply put Starting dagger :D 5p.atk.  With all all masteries buffs you will have ~ 40-50 p.atk MAX at 40 lvl. You hit mortal blow ~1.4k dmg.  Then put Dyes - 15 str ... and put Sword Breaker (top NG dagger) Or even Maingauche. You will have ~65 - 120 p.atk. And with Mortal blow you will deal ~ 1k -1.2k dmg. So... HOW CAN THIS BE?! I have more p.atk and skill dmg a lot lower... Maybe Bug... I should leave this server QQ... 

    About the last sentences ... I agree with you BRO. In this server  something is fishy... 
    a) Dagger skill dmg nerfed a lot ~ 50-40% for Sure. 

    b) Monsters p.atk is higher than on retail... 

    I was shocked when I with Top D dagger with Backstab Could not 1 hit  35 lvl orcs x1 hp... I mean seriously wtf?  Anyone will say that it's ok? 
    If such a dagger is OK , then Archers should be made as well OK by nerfing their dmg to mobs like 40%... 

    I was really disappointed a lot. Dagger class is not bugged to 1 hit lower def and hp monsters. For that their skills consume a lot of mana + Vicious stance tested as well added sh1t not a bonus dmg from skills...

    Was testing dagger power here... :D 

    Check the screen... ^^


    D grade armor  Orc lvl 42... Check Dmg received ... :D

  7. False. Maybe in some custom server ;) ATM the only Set giving speed is Mithril Robe set (D grade) +7 speed +1 wit -1 int. 
    In next update Another set will be Blue Wolf Heavy set that will also give +7 speed boost...  Since DEX no more gives running speed... You can get boost only by skills/passives/buffs and  that set or natural racial ability ;)

  8. Shots are coming in future updates. Like people have said it's the scaling at higher levels. You grind out summoner on low green mobs slowly. then at 60+ you would be 2-3 shotting people with shots as they can't afford to craft/buy the gear so early. It clearly was thought about and the aim was to keep the summoner damage under check until a later time when gear had been introduced into the server for the other classes.

    ​+1. Summoners with beast SS would be truly OP

  9. drops 3x chance is going to make so that there will make so that the market will have too many full drops and not enough mats.

    the "real x3 retail experience" should be x1 chance and x3 amount.

    ​ Yep if you get by Chance 1 Sword of Revolution you would get 3x swords...  Then less people will get lucky and those who will get lucky will have much more than rest of people and will make  a biger separation between people...  And well if you are talking just about materials Ofc suggestion is ok... But still spoilers will spoil till death more mats. The materials will be thin in numbers not because x3 chance but because Bot Policy... In retail you can have bots and it is ok... spoilers farming months after months materials...
    Even I myself tried to lure ~30+ aggro spiders in order to kill bot party of 5 people... [Elven Forest] got loot of ~300 coal and ~200 animal skins... So Imagine running bots farming adena ant mats... Of course it will be much more than in servers without bot , but still I preffer  botless gameplay with less mats than such a gameplay.

  10. Can't be true... Because fatal strike , hammer crush adds up to weapons dmg+shots... Because Of people Using this skill with Two hand (sword/blunt) and One Hand (sword/blunt) . Dmg differs a LOT! . Maybe you tested with B weapon without Shots because you didin't have ssB and hited skill with ssD with D weapon? Then Ofc dmg would varies ~ 50-250 If you hit for ~2k

  11. This guy has good points, even if he speaks a lot.

    But as far as I know, once you reach level 20 even in official classic, quests are NEVER worth it, which is sad but yeah.

    ​not true .... there are lots of quest worth it. vanquish remnant ? hutn for black lion?

    ​1. Vanquish remnant If quest rate will be x3 then... It will be worth doing (If antibot reward limit will be lifted)
    2. Hunt Of the Black Lion is worth doing ONLY if adena reward is ~x3 (Antibot reward limit will be lifted) +You get cargo Boxes from drop. And these Items to sell to shop will be worth 2-3x more since they are quest reward items and quest rate is not oing to be x1. Only then.  and If it's not . good luck with this quest...Охота_Черного_Льва

    7-10 adena monsters each so... 100q items = 700-1000 adena. Well if adena reward varies then ofc It's nice... Atm in Live rates you can get ~100 adena each so... 10 monsters = quest reward.  If you won't get cargo boxes from that quest the monsters won't be worth hunting. If monsters won't be worth hunting you will not collect 100q items ++ I mean a whole lot like 500-700 q items... and Even if you do you might get reward of 1k (retail) or 3k if its x3... Well and if there`s gonna be no anti-bot reward cap...
    you might get  3500/5000 Adena for 500q items... x2 (7000-10000) x3 (10500-15000) Quest worth doing + you might get Lion's eye which will give you 1x Haste potion or even 100 ssD ^^. 

    If you ask about classic (Don't talk about Melcosoft cause there this quest was screwed... When you turn 10x claws you don't get any Lions Eye while NPC talks to you : I present you Lions eye... claws disappears and you get sh1t shots reward all the time.) If you look into this db
    In truth this reward scales... 10 claws = 1 eye... you turn your quest so many times to get 10x eyes then you get for each 10 claws  4 Haste potions instead of 1 ,  50 healing potions instead of 20 , 400 ssD instead of 100... Source : WalkThrough/Mainland/019.html
    Because l2 central Lacks information about cargo boxes...

    Another story if you get cargo boxes... Let's say you collect  200x cargo boxes... : 
    a) You can turn Cargo boxes to Guildsman Morgan. (In previous chronicles you might get 25a each + guild Coin)  Depending on coin number you have you might get up to x3 more adena... So lets say I have  82 Coins + I will get 75 adena each (Since this is quest reward : lets count on q adena reward in this server... 75x2=150 75x3=225a. 
    So... Let's say everything is working... you might get around 150+ Cargo boxes /day... But as I spoke before you have 200x cargo boxes +82 coins already so your reward on x3 adena quest rate would be... 200x225= 45.000 adena. Not bad huh? ;) + actual quest reward... from monster q items.

    b) Lets say you have 200x cargo boxes and you wanna turn them to Mercenary Redfoot. To open 1 box you must pay a fee 650 adena... so... to break all the locks you will pay  130.000 adena.  But from the wares you might get there you might get even less than you spent... But if quest items sold to NPC will be worth 3x (lets say adena quest rate x3) you will always get more... So lets look at average reward... on x1 if we sell all stuff to merchants... you get 1012 adena each. so if reward x3... 3036 adena each-650 - Total average income each box = 2386. Worth Doing ;)))  Btw you might get Clay tablet Parts or Shilen statue parts...  1k To shop on x3 = 3k each. But if you assemble all at blacksmith in Giran Castle town you might get Complete Statue Of Shilen or Clay Tablet...(50% success rate assembling one)  on x1 you can turn them 30k each so on x3 would be 90k... Lets say from 200x cargo boxes you will get 3 shilen Statues and 2 Clay Tablets ... 90k each... 450k in 2-3 days If you're lucky. 

    So Let's conclude... If Adena quest rate will be fair and you will get raised rewards... :
    1. (Collecting Eyes for shots/potions will be worth)
    2. Cargo boxes fully working and increased reward... and their worth - Will be worth doing collecting.

    3. Statue of Shilen/Tablet parts can be traded/dropped so they would be sold/bought buy a players in open market ;)

    4. If this quest will be the same like in Melcosoft ( Only Idiots and mental people will do this quest).

    So that's an honest review.



  12. Yeah I guess that`s one of more complex bugs to fix. I mean Make obstacles to have their functions. 
    Rooms are separated by a huge wall. You killing monsters in one room , and if you stand near to the wall you get aggro from monsters in another room. Then they got their stupid mentality (AI) to reach you by running all the way towards you. The way around is very long then they get rly tired and  aggro resets :D  Then you came to those aggro monsters and they are fckn tired of you and don't even react to your presence there... ^^ . I had the same thing in cruma tower where I`ve been teleported by Portas behind wall into another space. :D