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Posts posted by fishfood

  1. Depends on your party. Obviously every group needs both BD & Sws so you can't go wrong. But a BD in archer/meele party can hex. A sws in a mage party can entangle. That's really the only difference. 

    Other than that they are the same, aggro bot with good buffs.

  2. 6 hours ago, kkthx said:

    haha, i see u finally got up after last rekt, coz u keep ur ass shut up for some time, too bad i got no time for u kid

    Last rekt? Fraps or it never happened. I was busy working all week so I didn't play, sorry to burst your bubble.

  3. 1 hour ago, vinter said:

    Thanks for watch, next time i try make it better.

    I don't comment on the gameplay, but I'm just being honest when I say that you need a new PC if you want to record.

  4. 18 minutes ago, Pelocho said:

    It's difficult to arrange a 9v9 without any guarantee that all our members will be active when you are. Maybe on a weekend...

    But, if you think it's unfair to watch us for hours until it's your best moment to log and attack, just bsoe and come back.

    Watch you for hours LOL. I log in when i have 5+ guys, and I always come back. The last time I said I would come back, I came straight back you regrouped with 2 other parties so don't tell me it's hard to 9v9 when you choose to 27v9.

  5. 1 hour ago, BlackJack said:

    I didn't say he is better or worse, i just rated the gameplay according to what I would do in the same situation. Obviously thats completely arbitrary and i said that in my comment :D

    Isn't that what you're doing when you rate gameplay? It's not like a moba where you make a super sick play and post it on reddit. L2 players are usually consistent in how they play.

  6. 21 minutes ago, BlackJack said:

    Not really defending him, i am basing my comment on watching your last movies. As a matter of fact i've just rewatched both yours and his last movie. Since it's hard to rate different situations i've come with an arbitrary scale based on "stuff i would do differently" compared to what you did in the movie. Obviously it's much easier to criticize when you watch a movie compared to playing it, having said that i'd rate your gameplay at 8.7 and his at 8.9, also i'd have to say i might have missed some actions u did since you've spead up your movie. Also i've probably spent more time talking to you than him so dno about bias, as a lawyer irl i'd say i can be pretty objective =/. Also about bias the same way as your last sentence i can say that the only reason you insult him is cuze he is your enemy ^^

    Of course there is bias in our statements it's the natural order of a PvP game like this. I insult Kiam because his party trash talked me after zerging 27v9 and when I asked for 9v9 he put me on ignore list. If you think Kiam play's better than me than all I can do is laugh, he plays like interlude with just gloom and TP.

  7. 1 hour ago, BlackJack said:

    Actually he changed to necro cuze he had 2 sps in party so 1 had to go necro :) Also imho sps is harder to play on this chronicle compared to necro and he did very well on his sps. So your flame is kinda fail imho :(

    Also fishfood i dont think NA prime is that carebear , just most people are kinda bored and inactive as you can see it's always mix of some parties playing together. Same goes for EU prime, people are just tired of playing non stop during the winter days and want break before 2.0.

    Of course people are bored of 1.5 it's a pile of dog poop compared to 2.0. But what does that have too do with them not having any wartags? ES only fought TFD for months and now they are allied so they have no wartags except one party and solo guys in BS. 

    2.0 there is still only gunna be one party to pvp, but I guess they can go PvE in ToI now, yay.

    These TERROISTA guys I'm not sure where they are from but they play when I do, and they don't even have war. I am always getting stunned by them so they can't be that low levels.

    I get you want to defend your clan mate but Kiam plays necro like trash, idk about sps I don't care to watch his older videos.

  8. 5 hours ago, Olegaj said:

    I found definition of fishfood




    And his selfie ;)




    Oh I didn't see this post or what you were trying to get at LOL. You don't wanna pull the real life card with me, I'm shredded as fuck and I have a dime girlfriend I fuck whenever I want.

  9. Just now, Pelocho said:

    We had 5 people, one was AFK when you logged and another one was a 10 year old playing our bd :D 

    It's ok man, it's not easy to log in and fight. And regarding 9v9, whenever you want...


    Stay up late tonight again

  10. 40 minutes ago, Pelocho said:

    I'm so disappointed with your performance yesterday man.

    After watching us for like 2 hours, your CP logged and attacked us while I was herding mobs into a train only to die to our 3 active members (I know, it sucked that our overlord silenced most of you). But you threatened with coming back and kill us and, although we were about to go to sleep, we waited, because we are always up for some pvp...

    After waiting for 40 min, and since you weren't able to step into the heart, we decided that we might go after you. But instead of waiting, you ran and started to die to mobs. You decided that was better to lose 4% instead of fighting and dying to a mere 1%...

    Seriously dude...

    What are you talking about? I frapsed last night pvp you had more than 3 people LOL. Yeah logging in no songs/dances and having an OL silence 5+ guys in one silence is GG.

    You grouped up with two other parties and waited on heart so we exped on karik bridge and forced you to come to us.  You know the same groups that relogged when we came near them after you left, since they won't fight 9v9.

    We tried to train you but our level 57 BD got para'd so that was GG. Nobody in the man party died to mobs lol, nice propaganda.

    9v9? Don't hide behind x3 the numbers.

  11. 4 hours ago, MoDoy said:

    sure sure u thought it like that :D maybe if u checked video, maybe u would realise i didnt run there coz of range, but because ur party was playing behind corner while AD was getting full load from us

    BUT let me tell u once again, U are failing so hard u should stop even trying, BECAUSE rapid fire doesnt limit your auto attack shooting range to 600, so go ahead, u have 1 more try to guess right answer :D but well, now i dont even wonder why u failed with your archer party TWICE :D hahahahaha, pls stop replying, because u are embarassing yourself more and more by your ignorance about this game

    PS: just kidding, u dont have 1 more try, dont answer to me, because then your statement will be in vain

    Modoy every post you try to bait me into replying than tell me you're not gunna reply but always come back saying some shit nobody cares about.

    Get off my dick dude