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Posts posted by fishfood

  1. 12 hours ago, UchihaMadara said:

    Didnt you tell me, that you want to play eu prime atleast for once? I reloged once, cause I had only 3ppl online, but you can continue talking like this, anyway I remember your mighty pt, making pr out of ab, when we just tp ab, this mighty relogs at nnyxi bot room.
    PS: I tihink it will be better to ignore you. Stop quoting me.

    So what if I said I want to play in EU prime? Doesn't mean I can anymore even though I want too.

    Talking about this PR in abg when I was in LoA for 3 months LOL. If I was in abg it was probably only 2-3 of my party. But you're still talking about this PR with no fraps or anything. Everytime you tried to fight us outside of mass pvp, there was no PR's. In-fact you couldn't even kill one person 18v18.

    I should quote dajtovillage then "We were in aden gk for 3 months" or logged out money room ramp streaming a black screen xDxD

  2. 1 hour ago, BlackJack said:

    Nope , we lost twice won once while we are attacking on a position so we are in disadvantage. I love those guys they fight no matter what, but you on ther other hand can only talk.

    I've fought 9v9, 9v18, 9v27. It doesn't matter too me. (You know the other post where you claimed I was crying about zerg, that was after winning a 9v18 es regrouped with kiam just for lil ole me)  You are the one talking out of his ass.

    You cried like a baby when I ganked you soloing on karik bridge, I should have exped there and made you log off if I knew you were such a forum troll.

  3. 18 minutes ago, vinter said:

     Second fight we are in 9 withou mana, I'm not 74, Bs 70 and u gank when we had mob. Congats for u.

    Sorry everyone else in your party is 74-76. We both had mobs on us lol. 

    1 hour ago, UchihaMadara said:

    I respect AD pt, its always fun pvp vs them, its strong pt. But you should shut your face, until your pt leader will accept my 9v9 offer, cya

    You know when I play, where I am. It's easy to talk big now that we are on different timezones. Shouldn't you be logged out on money room ramp or aden GK for 3 months? xDxD

  4. Just now, MoDoy said:

    why would u call me one of bobs when i literally never played in that clan? haha, funny i checked 2 days in a row american prime and there were nowhere to close 6 pts of WS on the map, but sure, call it delusion

    Checking on the weekends when nobody plays, and one day in the week when there was drama between china and es in abg. They declared war on eachother fighting over spots, and you're trying to tell me I'm making these parties up?

    I'm done talking to you nonfactor.

  5. 5 minutes ago, MoDoy said:

    i checked it on sunday evening/night, not a single party of us, so i said ok, its weekend, many pts dont have prime, also its after siege so some took break

    so i checked yday and thats what i saw with my own eyes, would u like to argue it was different when i checked it yday? or i was "lucky" and got the day that most of my allies (5 pts out of 6) didnt log :D 

    Check tonight, check tomorrow, see for yourself the fuck do I care if you believe me. You're living in your own delusion. You band of bobs losers are seriously starting to bore me.

  6. Ahh I was waiting for this. MP management for what? I know how much MP I need to kill 1 party. I started that fight at half MP

    Zero debuffs? Cute, I used every debuff except curse disease and anchor, I don't need more.

    And yeah I'm playing with a group of new guys all from Argentina who can't understand English well, and they've never played this chronicle. Still winning 9v9s with no deaths, if I didn't have the wrong pet out it would have been flawless.

    Coincidence every party I play with, I forge better players? Weird.


    I don't know the average level of rhaegar party but I can tell you kiam's party is all 74-76, with 10 active people in these fights (yes he has oop sws aggroing me) and waaaaait for it, I had 8 guys vs kiam.

    Any other clown's wanna comment dumb shit or is it just gunna be you two?

  7. 29 minutes ago, MoDoy said:

    as i said, i checked 2:00 CEST time all the farming locations (except karik bridge, so idk about that one) and it was only ur party in heart and kiam party on top spot ABG (and some solo guys from ES/A/CO in BS, but lets not count them), where were the other 2 parties? also arent chinese in asian prime while u are in american prime?

    Buddy I'll make a video tonight if you want, there is ALWAYS two parties terroistas in abg and 1 party united. Kiam party is always on. rhaegar and itommy/themage parties are on usually as well.

    You got asians playing early in the morning for them or whatever it's not that uncommon for people to play when they want.

  8. 6 hours ago, MoDoy said:

    just wanted to make sure for myself, so i run cameras at night my time 2 AM situation? your cp farming heart, kiam cp farming abg, and some solo ES/anarchy/comadreas in BS (i didnt check karik bridge, so maybe there was someone, but thats still 1 party max), so tell me, where exactly are those 6 parties u are talking about?

    maybe its just me, but if i just joined the server, i wouldnt like to join WS ally, because there would be nobody to fight, actually i would like to join weaker side, but thats just my mindset maybe

    Last night there was only 4 parties on including me.

    I guarantee you if you check more than once you will see.

    ES has 2 parties, kiam party, chinese has 3 parties.

    Not counting the solo players in BS or karik bridge

  9. 2 minutes ago, BlackJack said:

    Rly cuze in my last pvp movie there are 2 clips vs ooc, 1st we are 2 parties and they are 3. 2nd its 3v3 parties. Soil stopped playing 6-8 weeks ago sorry to break it to you, thats not 3 months. My level has nothing to do with my parties level as you well know i farm a lot solo, keep adding more out of context facts for no reason, it really strengthens my point that you just manipulate facts in a random way so you can cry about them later. I am done for now , gotta work.

    I quit in early February, I posted my last video on the 24th that I finished making after I quit. It's now april 24th and I've been back for a little while. Saying 3 months isn't that much of an exaggeration.

    Manipulating facts? The only fact that matters here is you have over double our numbers.

  10. 12 minutes ago, BlackJack said:

    We had war with ES until the last siege before your zerg broke up. So thats maybe 6 weeks of free farm in NA since than not 4 months.

    Farming 4 months? I've been back playing since 4 months and 3 of those we farmed aden GK only lul. Wе've farmed the past 1 month maybe 3-4 days without war max. All other days are at least 50% spent on defending spot. 4 MONTHS LUL, you didnt play for 6 weeks tops.

    What are you talking about lol. You may have had "war" with them, but they came to 3 sieges with perks when I was playing, came to all epics with perks. You were even sharing spots from what I was told. Nice wartags you got there.

    I've seen your pvp's you talk about so much, its awaken demon vs 2-3 of your parties daily LOL. I stopped playing when soil did so I can only imagine how much tough pvps you've had. I was gone for almost 3 months nerd if you're gunna keep tabs on somebody atleast do it properly.

    When I left you were level 72, 3 months later your 76. Nice Aden GK exp you got there.

    We all get it, vigilance pushed your shit in for 3 months, now you guys get to act like big boys with double the numbers. Enjoy it while it lasts it could be you vs elpies soon.

    I listened to that voice recording I guess it's from Uchiha with that accent I can't really understand him. Is he claiming he asked me for a 9v9 and I said I had stuff to do? LOL propaganda at it's finest. 

  11. Just now, BlackJack said:

    It's 6 am actually and i just woke up for work. Let me go through you on forum last month, literally in every situation you are finding a reason to cry:

    • You start farming at 3 AM CEST loa heart -> "Omg i farm loa heart for free american prime is dead so ez , i made 40% in 3 days, so ez gg"
    • You get killed on heart a few times -> "Omg enemies are too many i can't free farm anymore, server is dead"
    • We ask you for 9v9-> "Omg i only have 6 people live can't 9v9"
    • Proclaim no one fights you 9v9-> " omg no one fights us 9v9, every enemy just pr"
    • We ask you again to 9v9-> "Omg you've never asked me to 9v9, your party leader is lying to you" , when there is even evidence 2 weeks ago on forum you refused LUL.

    Dunno if I am making myself an idiot, but if it was a race you sure are beating me to it by far.

    I never once said NA time is dead. There is 6-7 groups on when I play, 6 of them in Fun/ES/Perks, vs just my party. The NA timezone has been literally free farmed for 3-4 months now until I came back. 

    If you don't see the population dwindling from 280v300  to 108v228 to 50v250~ sieges than you're a fucking moron. 

    I never got a single pm on forums or ingame for 9v9, even when I only had a 6 man party. You idiots logged out on ramp for 4 months and didn't exp, your words not mine.

    After 9v9ing a few times, I can say that 90% of the parties will PR on site, the only exception being Kiam, and well his group is easier than making my morning coffee.

    Sure you asked me to 9v9 on the forum? After farming for 4 months while I was gone, I've returned with an ENTIRELY new set of guys who have never played this chronicle and I will still 9v9 you. I play 4h a day, I'll be at heart when you're ready.

  12. 1 minute ago, BlackJack said:

    If you care so much about server health VR should haven't allied with the koreans or pride or westworld before, hypocrite.

    I still remember when we took 4 castles, I believe it was when TFD held aden. We had 11 more people in CC, same amount of parties. But allying other clans to be same numbers is hypocrite? Go to bed dude it's like 5am for you, you're making yourself look like an idiot.

  13. 58 minutes ago, BlackJack said:

    Except that fact that WS eu side didn't farm for 4 months at all during VR total domination, but instead we fought back hard every day even in 99% losing battles. We didn't go cry on forum omg server is dead we cant farm or 4 months and war farming epics for free for 6 months. My party fought hard for months during hard times, ofc I want to enjoy the win now and farm. My party avg lvl is 72,6 and parties like soil who havent played for 1month + are 75 on avg. Ofc that we want to catch up before 2.0. VR ally broke because soiled recruited everything that moves , some ppl joined cuze winning side , some cuze of epics and some cuze of free protection. Most people are aware VR top players stood and guarded low parties in abg/loa during their whole primes so they can farm, ofc they got bored of it. Now the leader who rose ( AD ) doesn't have the same time or motivation to play 14hours a day protection people and securing free epics, so those people won't fight for him it's as simple as that. You can't expect an ally thats build from people who want the ally to give to them and not them to give for the benefit of the ally to last long.

    Except in our fights for LoA we were roughly the same numbers. And I do recall you winning LoA a few times. I'll say it again, I'm sure VR had +50 people than WS on some siege, but we never had DOUBLE your numbers. Literally if you subtract our entire siege force from your CC, you still have MORE than we have total.

    Blah blah blah it's not our fault the other side quit but we still mass recruit, fuck you even take bandwagonners like Zakna. If you haven't noticed we can't recruit people that don't exist. More people are quitting than coming back. But hey you guys don't care about server health, you're just hoping we stay and rebuild but in reality you're killing the server. 

    I really don't care who has all castles or wins all epics, I just don't want all my time being wasted playing here. If I wanted to play a skelth-type server (shitty population, complete free farm for everyone) I would go play there.

  14. 1 hour ago, Dancerok said:

    Omg how long this sh1t continue? about sides and bla bla y have more we have less bla blaa y was farming when he had less bla bla bla.... Have less Ok pr have more ok GJ guys! Probably stop discssing this for months....

    What do you want us to talk about? The epic fights we had at siege, or orfen? Oh wait..

  15. 1 hour ago, UchihaMadara said:

    Dont forget about only 6ppl pt, and so on. No one will 9v9 you, mhm continue your propaganda,boy

    Yeah I had 6 players in my old party so what? More than enough to make you clowns log out on ramp everynight while streaming a black screen. I said no one 9v9s me in my primetime. I'll post a video of the PR compilations of me cleaning out abg daily.

  16. 1 hour ago, gfbot said:

    It's cus we have to work on Fridays, unlike the rest of the world. -_-

    Isn't USA the best at dota2? I thought we won the international a couple of times. Dunno about CSGO. 

    Korea dominates league.

    We are pretty good at the smash melee competitive scene.

    This is an MMO tho, I don't think it should be comparable. 

    Skill != Grinding.

    Also I'm pretty sure the us proxy is in central or the east coast. Cus I get a 1 second delay on every action. I'm from us west.

    us proxy is in amsterdam lol.

  17. 3 minutes ago, UchihaMadara said:

    We are discussing this sh1t about 5month, everytime you have same answer and I will repeat again, so now you have offer, what else you need? But nwm, "1st" rate Canadian

    I appreciate the offer but unless you stay up to some ungodly hour when I get home and get my guys on then I don't see the fight happening anytime soon. I would say after sieges but we have no plans to go to sieges anytime soon, so I'm gunna enjoy my weekends outside.

  18. Just now, Rizos said:

    Haha i acomplished more than you on every server i played. Botter thinking that he has any skill in this game. Hmm i think i have some kind of dejavu. Wasnt this topic about same guy as you are? 

    oh actually its not dejavu, you are the guy who didnt give up after multiple bans. Keep going bro ;)

    You haven't accomplished anything you delusional fuck LOL. Your biggest accomplishment is dropping a borrowed level 3 orfen and playing in a zerg.

  19. 2 minutes ago, MoDoy said:

    ah, so now its nobody who plays at your prime, is exactly your lvl and then he has to visit u to the loa heart to have 9vs9, good to know the conditions for 9vs9

    yeye, all knows clickerino

    Weird I look at the top 100 list and all the parties i fight have 5-6 members 74+ ES/Perks/China doesn't matter. I posted proof of me on clicker so yeah I hope everyone knows it now.

    I farm at heart every night after kicking the group out that was there. When I go to gank 3 way they just PR before I get there. ABG parties don't even try to fight, TERROISTAS doesn't even have war but they have two parties in abg every night. 

  20. 3 minutes ago, Rizos said:

    brb following your advices "to make server future better". OOOO wait bro, where can i find guide "how to become noob"? I typed on google and cant find any good guide. help plz

    I realize this server is your greatest accomplishment, being a band of bobs player and all, but you are the definition of bad. Little pvers like you playing on RPG-Club doing absolutely nothing while the big boys are in siege 350v350. Ahh the glory days back when NA still played this game.