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Melee party recruiting (SWS/BP)

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We are looking for BP and SWS 70+ (but pref 76+) or drivers which can play our chars SWS 74 or BP 76.

- Core players from party We are from Czech and two guys from Poland so We highly prefer someone from Czech/Slovakia or Poland but this is not necessity (We need just from you understand and little speak english)
- We are meleee pt and almost everybody is 76+.
- Our prime time is from 19:00 - 22:00/23:00 (it depends.. We dont have problem if you come later or you need sleep earlier) 
- We trying play everyday but sometimes We have day off cuz RL (ye RL sucs but you know...)
- But still some epic contest, oly, sieges are important so We need some who can make time for it.
- We are using TS in prime and facebook fap chat during day (We have there photos WizarDEAD hot fat biceps)
- In prime time We are trying speak english but sometimes still czech spam....
- We prefer rly pvp players someone who crying about losing % can join Stiba army.

Ally: WickedSick
Clan: Perkunaz

Party setup:

  •  Destro (fkin animal)
  •  Tyrant (no dmg)
  •  Plains Walker (mad pro dagger)
  •  Gladiator (polish malaka with big biceps)
  •  Warcryer (fat bastard)
  •  Elven Elder (just esspresso)
  •  Bladedancer (polish football hooligan)
  •  LF - Swordsinger (atm box no player for it) - We have 74 char rdy for you or if you have ur SWS no problem.
  •  LF - Bishop (owner has break atm and no clue when He will back) - We have 76 Bp so We need for now driver or someone with his own char.

Some pvp noob movies
Sometimes We are streaming or

If you are interested PM here on forum or in-game "Pinkyska

Edited by Pinkysek
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