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CraftForVodka replied to CraftForVodka's topic in Streamers club
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good job, thanks
- Yesterday
1) I will take a look into drop/spoil again a bit later after I finish current tasks. 2) Regarding spawn: TI Varka Silenos Warrior: Dion Varka Silenos Warrior: TI Varka Silenos Medium: Dion Varka Silenos Medium: TI Varka Silenos Priest: Dion Varka Silenos Priest:
stream on gogogoggo
Champion mobs:- Champion monsters will now have increased chance to spawn. those x5- x7 mobs still doesnt not spawn champions even in Varka spots
yes with B top armor have mobs with the same % +- drop key armor/weapon, but have with more xtimes difference But with A armor/ weapons all equal now, maybe it's for the best, harder to get, more interesting but what about the champions, the res from these monsters? Varka Silenos Warrior, Varka Silenos Medium, Varka Silenos Priest mobs Doesnt resp Varka Champions for 3 hours around.
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olnanagu joined the community
Juanobsek joined the community
elulkiceTix joined the community
olvaqulo joined the community
Hello. Finally finished urgent tasks and had time to check. You right about x15 difference ( but it's hard to compair to Karik for example, because it was level buffed few times which also affected his stats because mobs level affects stats calculation ), but what about this: , it's shows that inside of a same mob drop difference is x2. At same time Full weapon have same drop chance as Full Armor.
- Last week
CraftForVodka replied to CraftForVodka's topic in Streamers club
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LIVE ON !! some oly matches
ollaresa joined the community
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LIVE ON !!!!!
Live on !!! let s go
ovamevi joined the community
Hello. if this one, check if you 1shotting them. If yes - try to do few hits with melee or use Ice Bolt to kill it with 2 hits.
stream on 🙂 ggogoggo
It's possible to add "Mass Summon Cubics" in the future ? For example Mass Summon Phantom Cubic ?
MaoidTwelo joined the community
lalo233 joined the community
LIVE ON !! Little Farm
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CraftForVodka replied to CraftForVodka's topic in Streamers club
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LIVE ON ! Little One
My nic in game lTurgon
Hello administration.When compliating a quest for 1 profesion elven wizard i had a problem with quest item not faling.I killed a alot of mobs in this bunch of spiders of the quest.Sort our the quest pls.
CraftForVodka replied to CraftForVodka's topic in Streamers club