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Posts posted by Titanium

  1. Y, administration is good. Just people talking shi***t and always crying. If we find some major bugs they try to fix and so on. Atleast they speak with community what is happening. 

    Now most interesting threads are dualbox and party. There is bug that you can't invite 9 people in party(only 7). And almost all russians are crying about dualbox(I love that)

    In real life you can't find a place to farm with party. Always pvp and fighting for spot in Abandoned camp, Fortress and Orc Barracks. Most players made -100%+ because of the fun. While streamers rushing level and having no fun :P

    What i don't like, i think that all shops should be in monster track derby. And also i think its not so many shops + crafting dwarfs. Thats why i think offline shop should be free. Not dual box.

    Atleast making something like, dorfs with 20+ level can make free offline shop or something. Because no crafters atm.

    ​Man, you're such a noob.

  2. Almost every classes skills dont work well, most are taken from high five 5 instead of classic, tyrants totems last 2 mintues instead of 5, so many quest npcs were absent, shops in orc village dont work, lots of quests are bugged, npcs talk in russian, debuffs rate is like in high five rather than in classic, adena drop rate is so bad, as if inverted (not 70% but 30% drop rate), when you buy two items in a store (2 hunting bows), it takes money for two but gives you only one hunting bow, skills that are supposed to use sonic charges in high five but not in classic, still use sonic charges, you cant invite or dismiss from clan, and the list can go on and on.

    It is now obvious that this server is even worse than most l2 java servers, and that there will never be a good balance between characters, because everything is written based on what players say/don't say (some players may actually NOT tell that their skill is bugged in order to receive a boost which they weren't supposed to have), and admins cant do a good job themselves at checking skills against databases. Then again, even if all skills work as they are supposed to, and all the other bugs are exterminated, we all now know that there will be no true balance, because you guys do not have the right probability rates for various debuffs. 

    My question is: You planned to launch the server a week ago after a 3 day OBT. You have said that you have found a problem, which is why you postponed the launch for a few weeks. Yet after all this time you open such a buggy crappy OBT, and it is obvious that you didn't have any problem except for finding out that your server is really bad configured. How did you plan to launch 1 week ago, if even now it is in such a bad state? When can we expect the server to open?

    I am not even sure I will play here now, and I was so hyped up previously, and waited for the server for months. Judging from the amount of bugs that are present today, I just understand how bad of a product this is, and no matter the polishment, you cant sugarcoat a piece of shit.

    Tell me I'm wrong.

    I totally agree with you.
    Even if they can solve all problems.. they lost my trust (and I think many also) with all they lied.
    ​Plus, they never respond this threads, they evade the real issues here.

    P.S. your avatar make me crazy

    ​Yeah it took me a lot of time to find one that was not too much naked but not too covered

  3. Update, are you for real?
    You have said that you have finished translating 100%, including NPCS/  HTMLS, and that was 1 MONTH AGO!

    Now you say this:

    You have the Client fully translated in English.
    Server-side NPC Dialog are not fully translated and will take time to be translated fully, only most important ones are for now.
    We are using RU Innova NPC Dialog and translated them manually, there is no fully english version, not even at EU Innova.



  4. You have the Client fully translated in English.

    Server-side NPC Dialog are not fully translated and will take time to be translated fully, only most important ones are for now.

    We are using RU Innova NPC Dialog and translated them manually, there is no fully english version, not even at EU Innova.

    ​The client is like 0,05% of the work that needs to be done in order to translate everything to English.
    False advertisement, I can't believe you were going to launch the server like this.

    You have had months and months to translate yourselves, hire a translator, get it done for very cheap on the forums for a bonus keyboard or something.
    Why nothing was done?

    • Like 1

  5. P.S. I think that you have had a nice serevr build previously to starting the OBT 2 weeks ago, and probably the big problem was that for some reason you found out that you could not use that build anymore, and you decided to redo everything from scratch based on highfive+god. And you are really trying to do it fast, which is why you have so many bugs, so many months into development, and why you do not present a starting date.

    In any case, I will still follow how it develops, there is no competition for you for a few more months.

  6. Almost every classes skills dont work well, most are taken from high five 5 instead of classic, tyrants totems last 2 mintues instead of 5, so many quest npcs were absent, shops in orc village dont work, lots of quests are bugged, npcs talk in russian, debuffs rate is like in high five rather than in classic, adena drop rate is so bad, as if inverted (not 70% but 30% drop rate), when you buy two items in a store (2 hunting bows), it takes money for two but gives you only one hunting bow, skills that are supposed to use sonic charges in high five but not in classic, still use sonic charges, you cant invite or dismiss from clan, and the list can go on and on.

    It is now obvious that this server is even worse than most l2 java servers, and that there will never be a good balance between characters, because everything is written based on what players say/don't say (some players may actually NOT tell that their skill is bugged in order to receive a boost which they weren't supposed to have), and admins cant do a good job themselves at checking skills against databases. Then again, even if all skills work as they are supposed to, and all the other bugs are exterminated, we all now know that there will be no true balance, because you guys do not have the right probability rates for various debuffs. 

    My question is: You planned to launch the server a week ago after a 3 day OBT. You have said that you have found a problem, which is why you postponed the launch for a few weeks. Yet after all this time you open such a buggy crappy OBT, and it is obvious that you didn't have any problem except for finding out that your server is really bad configured. How did you plan to launch 1 week ago, if even now it is in such a bad state? When can we expect the server to open?

    I am not even sure I will play here now, and I was so hyped up previously, and waited for the server for months. Judging from the amount of bugs that are present today, I just understand how bad of a product this is, and no matter the polishment, you cant sugarcoat a piece of shit.

    Tell me I'm wrong.

    • Like 3

  7. Somebody know how long will be the Beta? I mean, in weeks, days (hope so xD)

    ​admin said that a few months of OBT should be enough

    I expect the server to start somewhere around end-july 

    ​Talk about mis-information, no indication that server will start in 3 months. No one exactly knows , stop speculating.

    ​No one exactly knows. So why not end-july?

  8. I think i saw somewhere restriction is by MAC, but not 100% sure

    ​I hope so.. if not, we both are not going play together...

    ​Or.. you could buy a premium account for two.

    I am sure two kids can afford 5$ each.

    ​2 kids? Oh man, I love people like you <3

    ​If you are not a kid, and can't afford 5$ each... Then I can only pity you.

    ​Pity me then, I don't have the money and don't want to pay for something I can play for free.

    ​I pity you. Go ahead play for free. But if you cant play together, then you can't play for free anymore. So you will not play? Oh well, I will miss you. NOT

    ​We really don't have the money, if you don't have the answer, go ahead, let someone else answer my doubt and go live your life without triying to insult someone for your own happiness.

    My first hater, this is going to be fun, thanks :D


    ​Are you from the Phillipines?

  9. I think i saw somewhere restriction is by MAC, but not 100% sure

    ​I hope so.. if not, we both are not going play together...

    ​Or.. you could buy a premium account for two.

    I am sure two kids can afford 5$ each.

    ​2 kids? Oh man, I love people like you <3

    ​If you are not a kid, and can't afford 5$ each... Then I can only pity you.

    ​Pity me then, I don't have the money and don't want to pay for something I can play for free.

    ​I pity you. Go ahead play for free. But if you cant play together, then you can't play for free anymore. So you will not play? Oh well, I will miss you. NOT