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Everything posted by GrayHawK

  1. The screenshots happened around 1 or 2 weeks ago (I also got videos) but today, stupid Dee was roaming around forest of mirrors (now I'm 51lvl LOL) and pked me, which reminded me the amount of ("ME DEE IS MAD") anger he's got inside him since he died 2times by ~ -30lvl player. And yes the poor guy...firstly (1st ss)... he comes to bully a whole party of 9 low lvl raiding people (1st screenshot), he flags, and expects to pick 9 random pvps... oh well he failed since his 2AOE Spells did not kill not even 1 member of the 9 40-48lvls and then he died... that made him mad and came back to pk just me, but the fattie failed since he got the raid- curse when hitting me while I was raiding the boss. For god's sake this post isn't about "look at me I killed 76lvl SPS as 49lvl dagger" but it's more like a post of "Look at that fried-braindead 76lvl spellsinger dying by 49lvl dagger" p.s: to someone that asked: Classic has got level of penalties which means that if I'm 25lvl (D grade) and wear just 1 B grade item I will get a 2lvl penalty. Now that I am compatible with C grades wearing 1 B item gives you 1lvl of grade penalty which is -10% patk/atkspd/ X accuracy etc.. which imo is worth it as long as you have grade 1lvl penalty and not more.
  2. WTS DEMON'S DAGGER +7 / EMINENCE +7 Message me here!
  3. Something is seriously wrong with our world and you can see it everywhere, even when playing on It's really frustrating when a 49lvl dagger inflicts 1k dmg with a simple blow and kills a max lvl guy (76?) who finds it extremely hard to get off his chair 'cause of ... oh well you know Deeeeeeee you're the shame of bullies around the world man, failing when bullying low lvls must be really upsetting that's why I made a helpful poem for you! "The sand is gold, whereas the sky and sea are blue, Sadly, I can't bet you've seen these things, have you? That's why you should quit L2 and get a life, isn't that true? My heart smiles and laughs when I get to know people like you I may be bad at poems, thus cannot find the matching words for you but everybody knows now that oh well you suck too." p.s: WTS the videos of the both screenshots, where a guy who spent like 3-4months-nonstop playing this game, fails overwhelmingly p.s2: it's not a flame/hate post, it's a drama post, do not delete it!