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Posts posted by kaFrag

  1. International clan HellSpawn is looking for Eng speaking players with TS 40+ lvl.

    We are right now 24 active players @ 40 - 50 lvl.

    Now mainly recruiting archers and mages. Ofc we are lack of supports so lf BP,SWS,BD,EE,OL.

    pm me here or ingame on "kaFrag.


    HellSpawn !

  2. Clan HellSpawn is recruiting classes: 

    Bish, SWS, Archers ! , Mages ! .... WL,Glad

    Some pictures from past to see that we are active clan not just clan with 6% exp and thats all...

    Atm: we are like 25 active ppl using TS and English speaking.

    All who are interested to join our gaming community and play with us in near future pm me here on forum on in game " kaFrag.

    GL :)

    Clan HellSpawn !




  3. 15 hours ago, kaFrag said:

    Hi again !

    Atm we are +-20 active players ! 

    LF new members to join 40+ lvl. Using TS + Eng speaking.

    Our clan is not just L2 clan but like Gaming Community , playing also other games ( Dota,LoL,CS ... )

    Play style is like clan system. 




    pm me here or ingame " kaFrag


  4. Hi again !

    Atm we are +-20 active players ! 

    LF new members to join 40+ lvl. Using TS + Eng speaking.

    Our clan is not just L2 clan but like Gaming Community , playing also other games ( Dota,LoL,CS ... )

    Play style is like clan system. 




    pm me here or ingame " kaFrag

  5. Clan HellSpawn is looking for new members who dont wanna stop play here just in one minute !!!

    Atm, lf           sws,     tyrant,       mages,     archers,    Warlord,      Bish,     OL,     DA    SE    EE    40 + !!!

    PPl who dont use TS, dont even pm me !

    We are gaming community which dont play only lineage 2, so if you are interested to join our community pm me here or ingame " kaFrag.

    Atm, we have 6% exp, atleast 50% finished 10% and working on clan lvl 4 !

    Clan HellSpawn !

  6. Looking for ppl who want to join our gaming community , willing to use TS for communication and cooperate together in HellSpawn Clan !


    • 40+
    • ENG speaking
    • Use TS
    • want to cooperate, dont play solo
    • Willing to take some simply orders from leaders

    Pm me here or in game " kaFrag or pm " Arq.



  7. 15 minutes ago, Sonixs said:

    hahaha  what i see i dont belive :D hello guys in server :P aresqq my favorite frag in old cartel or tales i dont remember ;p GL guys here :)

    lol :D:D think i will cry.... :P 

    We are trying :) but i dont push ppl to play hardcore you know....dont have sometimes even 3 hours/ day.....so :)  But Thx 

  8. Here :) 

    Still looking for new ppl to join our good comunity of International players ! :) 

    We are international organised clan, for all nationalities.....Rooms on discord for ppl around the world. You can speak in your language on discord channels, but main Lansguage is ENGLISH :) So i expect from all players here to know...english atleast a little. :) 

    pm "kaFrag in game or Discord server "kaFrag#3837

    Clan HellSpawn !

  9. Hello ! ,

    Clan HellSpawn - recruiting new ppl into their ranks.

    Almost all members of Old HellSpawn not playing L2 long time , but i think its a pity !! :) 

    So i decided to create this clan here despite i am not True and onlyone leader who was leading HS, but i am one of their members.


    Introduce for newcomers:

    We are playing like " clan system " not CP system 

    We are organised International clan using TS3server.

    Atm we have clan lvl 3 +6% exp.

    Language: English

    Min lvl for invite 35 and more , almost all members are 40+ 

    Please if you are interested to play with us , copy please this text and fill required questions and then send me this copy text with your answers to my private Mailbox here on forum.

    Character name / Class / Level:

    Timezone(GMT) / Country / Age / Gender:

    Any memorable Clans / Servers you were apart of in the past:

    Approximate , how many hours can you play per day/week ( weekdays/weekends ):

    Are you able to use Teamspeak , if so can you be on it everytime you are in game ? Do you get involved or you like to just listen ?


    When you will be finish , please wait until we will read it and invite you or not :) I check forum very often....

    Atm, we are just few... for now my CP lf active BP,Tank,Tyrant, EE.

    Not just L2 : but Gaming Community:

    As title says, we are not just L2 clan, we also play other games , so little gaming community. On TS we have rooms for that, so if you are bored of playing just L2 and grinding, make rest to play other game ... O.o


    something from old days :) Hope Bullet will not kill me for publication here.. :D Clan HellSpawn 



    Best regards , HS.



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