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About Theseus

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  • Birthday 03/28/1989

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  1. Đủ ng rồi úp cái quần gì nữa
  2. CloudyQ's Archer CP level average 70+ is looking for active SWS + WC/BP/EE Requitements: - Playing every 22:00 - 01:00 gmt +7 - English speaking and use TS3 - YOU MUST ENJOY PLAYING YOUR CLASS - Level minimum 68+ or play on our characters if u are interested. - Like to improve your character - You have to like to pvp - Not afraid of losing % - If you played that class before its big + - Loyal and follow CP leader's orders What you get from us: - Well spent time, fun healthy atmosphere, no dramas, everyone is friendly and willing to help - Endgame lvl CP with good competetive players on pvp with great knowledge about game - Good clan with 10% exp bonus, Aden clan hall and good cooperation between CPs Perkunas, WickedSick ally - Everyday exp and and great PvP - Items from CP - you need to focus on exp only - Character ready to play, if you dont have your own - Infos and advices from experienced players PM/Mail CloudyQ in game