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Everything posted by Ryu

  1. ty for the tips, rbs sound cool but i don't think we can get a 2nd weapon for a while since we don't even own a main weapon ty you too, yes we don't plan to play with boxed chars so we will invite ppl if we find them.
  2. ty for the tips. p.s for everyone since i got some pms with offers for clan and cps, i want to say thx but i must refuse, we are 3 veterans players and 2 are new of the game, so we don't plan to go competitive or build a full cp with prime time or drivers. ty
  3. hello, we are 5 friends that have just started looking for advice, atm we have done the first class change, we are lvl 20 with the following future setup (half party because we are only 5): ol,ee,da,sorc,necro. we will always exp as 5, i was thinking about exp in abandoned camp for the next step, if someone want to share a good exp route 20-40+ for our group i will be grateful. we are very low on adena too, i don't even know how many no grade ss we can get xd, any advice for a less painful start are welcome. ty.