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RevtovSS last won the day on November 16 2017

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About RevtovSS

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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 11/15/1987

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  1. Ушел за ностальгией в другое место, что-то тут тоскливо совсем стало с моего последнего визита.
  2. This is the right section of the forum, well done, keep it up!
  3. Buy Demon's Staff + Demon's Set Clean. Mail Cherskiy in game, or here in topik or message...
  4. Места просто надо знать, прикормить опять же аденой... только это секрет тссс...
  5. Name: Trial of the ScholarLevel: 35+Type: Transfer QuestStart NPC: Magister MirienReward: 387.000 exp This is the first quest for all mages and summoners. Make yourself 3 liters of tea, make sandwiches, the quest is very long. Take breaks, a long sitting in one pose can lead to haemorrhoids. I'll attach the screenshots only when I first mention the NPC Stages of the quest: 1. Talk to Magister Mirien in Dion Einhasad. 2. Talk High Priest Sylvain in Dion Einhasad. 3. Talk to Maria in Dion Grocery Store. 4. Talk to Captain Lucas in south gate Dion. 5. Back to Maria in Dion Grocery Store. 6. Run in Floran Village, talk to Astrologer Creta and say "Ask about thief" 7. Back to Maria in Dion Grocery Store. 8. Back to Astrologer Creta in Floran Village. 9. Back to Maria in Dion Grocery Store. 10. Talk to Captain Lucas in south gate Dion. 11. Teleport to Plains of the Lizardmen from Oren and kill Leto Lizardman Warrior (38lvl), you need 5 Brown Scroll Scrap. 12. Back with Scrap to Maria in Dion Grocery Store. 13. Talk to High Priest Sylvain in Dion Einhasad. 14. Talk to Magister Mirien in Dion Einhasad. 15. Teleport in Giran and talk to Grand Magister Jurek in Mystic Guild. 16. Teleport to Plains of Dion from Dion and kill Monster Eye Destroyer, until you get 5 Skins. 17. Teleport to Giran and run to Breka's Stronghold, kill Breka Orc Shaman, until you get 5 Shaman's Neclace. 18. Teleport from Giran in Entrance Dragon Valley (last), kill Shackle, until you get 2 Scalp. 19. SoE in Giran and return to Grand Magister Jurek in Mystic Guild. 20. Teleport to Dion and talk to Magister Mirien in Einhasad. 21. Teleport to Hunters Village and talk to Elder Cronos, decide for yourself why you need magic. 22. Teleport to Giran and go talk to Magister Dieter in Mystic Guild. 23. Teleport to Dion and run to Floran Village, talk to Astrologer Creta. 24. Back to Giran and go talk to Magister Dieter in Mystic Guild. 25. Teleport to Hunters Village and talk to trader Edrock in Armor Shop 26. Teleport to Gludin Village and talk to Raut in Warehouse 27. Teleport to Gludin Harbor and talk to alcoholic Triff. Make a break, top spot for fishing (: 28. Teleport in Giran, talk to Valkon in Warehouse. 29. Teleport in Dion, talk to Maria in Grocery Store. 30. Talk to Poitan in Blacksmith. 31. Teleport in Giran, talk to Valkon in Warehouse. You get Scripture Chapter 2. 32. Teleport to Hardin's Academy from Giran, kill Grandis, until you get Scripture Chapter 3. 33. Check, you must have Scripture Chapter 1, 2, 3. If there is, teleport to south entrance Wasteland from Gludin Village, talk to Elder Casian. 34. Teleport in dion and run to Execution Grounds, kill Ghoul, until you get 10 skins. 35. Teleport in Hardin's Academy from Giran, kill Fettered Soul, until you get 5 Ichor. 36. Run from giran in Gorgon Flower Garden, kill Medusa, until you get 12 Blood. 37. Teleport in Ivory Tower from Oren, kill Reinforced Gargoyle, until you get 5 Nail. 38. Teleport to south entrance Wasteland from Gludin Village, talk to Elder Casian. You get Scripture Chapter 4. 39. Teleport in Giran and go talk to Magister Dieter in Mystic Guild. 40. Teleport in Hunters Village and talk to Elder Cronos. 41. Teleport in Dion and talk to Magister Mirien in Einhasad. Finaly you have Mark of Scholar .
  6. А я то тут уже губу раскотал
  7. Scroll of Invisibility На АоЕ/RB я думаю оооочень пригодится. Учитывая вываливания пух при смерти, а если еще и ++++ Минута god mode, я же правильно понял?
  8. Значит ковыряли админы, раз измененный. А мы полезем и по бану схватим за модификацию ПО А там офф, там офис бойцов.
  9. С Hex редактором знаком немного, думал этого будет достаточно. Почитал про inteface.u, это надо вникать сидеть в синтаксис движка, насколько я понял в данном конкретном варианте еще и со смещением кажется в два байта в обоих строках. Это времени нет столько свободного, чтоб вникнуть. Суть в том, что будет проще вообще скомпилировать свой, а учитывая еще эти хроники, и если верить что PTS = Бесплатно работать ни кто не будет, имхо. Так к слову, разве за расположение рюшечек на экране и их размеров отвечает не файл Interface.xdat? С ним вроде особо проблем нет, есть и ПО под него. Поправь если не так. P. S. Да и значек не так критично, админы дойдут сами до него и не бедные я думаю если сами не осилят
  10. Name: Recover the Farmland Level: 25-34 Type: Repeatable Start NPC: Piotur Tips: Good exp 25-30 (Solo/Duo/Aoe) Reward: Turek Dog Tag - 16 aden / Turek Medallion - 16 aden Stages of the quest: 1. Talk to Piotur between Orc Barracks and Windy Hill. 2. Go deeper into the Orc Barracks and kill the Orcs. When you kill orcs you can receive an additional reward in the form of falling shards: Clay Urn Fragment - 200 aden Brass Tiara Piece - 240 aden Bronze Mirror Piece - 240 aden Jade Necklace Bead - 280 aden 3. Return to Piotur, he send you in Gludin Village to Guard Leikan. 4. Guard Leikan will advise you to find an expert relics, Trader Asha, she in Magic Shop. Of the five shards of the same type you can create relics, and sell them to the store. There is a chance that the curvy Asha will break the relic. Ancient Clay Urn - 2100 aden Ancient Brass Tiara - 2100 aden Ancient Bronze Mirror - 2100 aden Ancient Jade Necklace - 2550 aden With this quest is not so boring to raise the level from 25 to 30. A good spot, duo, AOE, solo. Mobs x2, drops D grade boots and rings. I apologize for the spelling, bad English.
  11. Ежедневные квесты не реализованы? Нет нигде в гиране нпс Blue Request from the Red Libra Guild - квест.
  12. Can anyone say a list of bbcode forum commands and their syntax? Without them guides and description of the quests in the knowledge base will be unreadable.
  13. Name: Seed of Evil Level: 21-26 Type: One-time Start NPC: High Priest Biotin Reward: 10 000 Adena & NG Blunt «Sickle» Time: 5-10min Stages of the quest: 1. Talk to High Priest Biotin in Talking Island Village. 2. Kill quest mob Nerkas. 3. Return to High Priest Biotin for reward.
  14. Кто нибудь знает список и правильный синтаксис bbcode на нашем форуме? test text