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  1. ​Spoko, nie ma problemu, dolacze do ang. klanu. ​no to pa
  2. Piero

    Targetowanie graczy.

    TAB to był, ale w WOWie ^^
  3. ​like there is any point trying this l2j h5, classic wannabe. Literally nothing works as it should, and they baited me (and prolly many other) with "l2off". ​what are you talking about? why h5? tell me what you mean talking its l2j h5....
  4. Piero

    Wrazenia OBT

    ​lol, co masz na myśli? to jest tylko OBT, nieprzyjazny bo nawet NPCki mówią po rusku?
  5. not everybody pay for playing... premium acc is not right to play, its right to got some extra things...
  6. STOP CRY ABOUT LANGUAGE U IDIOTS! if you dont like this server just leave, we dont need that stupid comments. Russian language is a barrier which make you leave server? Then you are NOOBS! Regards! Sorry for bad english
  7. another cryers... go recruit on JP forum not here get the fock out of here if you wont play. NOOBS!
  8. Guys, Dont QQ about skills that some of them are working like on H5. ITS CLASSIC FEATURE. Look on official innova classics. There some of skills are working like on H5. And quess what... Castles are splited on Dark and Lights - GOD features (also Classic) Its also hard to get karma to 0. Also GOD features - ALSO Classic! Dont be a pussies! Lineage 2 classic is not C1 or prelude. Its CLASSIC - mixed with all chronicles. Only locations and monsters are from C1 or so. About russian language... go on website and check how this quest looks like. To be honest, most of you dont care about quests history, you only want to know where to go. You can also use Tracking and problem solved. Sorry for bad english Regards!
  9. about totems: http://www.classic-core.com/habilidades-orc-monk/ official classic skill list with description