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Posts posted by OmarVarela

  1. For solo go with prophet. As a box u don't really need to level up it hardly just to like 52-58 and it's fine. With warcryer its different story especially with chant of predator 3lvl which u get at 68lvl. And you can also heal with prophet pretty well. Comparing to warcryer it doesnt use entire mana to buff just 1 person.

  2. 0:12 - 0:22, 1:02 - 1:12 , 1:26 - 1:27, 1:43 - 1:51, 2:07 - 2:12, 2:26 - 2:30

    These are the only actions worth to watch.


    (for those who don't know why i'll just point his buff bars)

  3. I know it's not about pk'ing. But u must know that... It's same sh... So u can't do anything. U have to live with that. As i said, l2 life. It's brutal but this is how game was made and this is how it works. Feels bad for you. But nobody can do anything about it. And he did nothing against the rules so he can't be punished.

  4. If you say it's bad then tell me, why people pk even 1lvl characters and they even have Top 100 list? People hard work on their level and they being pk'ed too u know? Not even flagging, not being stunned just being insta killed. It's L2 Life, everyone being stunned, everyone being killed, no matter what lvl, where, what character etc. It's L2 LIFE