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Posts posted by IiILordAngelIiI

  1. 12 hours ago, Kim said:

    One week after I leave, 2 Cps from timefordrama left without any talking And joined dramateam. Backstab? I will not say names, but now they got gludio castle.) After that I received bad words from them. Whatever, all server does it already)

    Btw, I read on a brazilian group that they are happy because they will get epic jewels. Translating: "at least now we farm epics"

    It's when the things goes bad, we see who are friends or not.


    My pov about numbers in CC, I remember when first Perk's era 60ppl foght against 90-100. Second era Biz and I worked to fight against 240-250 soil's CC, while our max numbers was 220-230. Now 150-160 we work to keep our numbers, which is the hardest part. Dont expect we will break anything to make same numbers for any reason. So excuses about zerg is hypocrisy from both sides.

    For last, just to make things clear, WS and WK are only one single ally, always. The diference is we are splitted in 3 zones, america, europe and asia. Everyone should know that. 

    /enough said

    I do not understand your concern for us. (DH) - I made a choice in favor of my clan. We have nothing against you.
    "Backstab"? I do not owe you anything, I paid up to the BW key. xD