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Everything posted by Tommy92

  1. hmm u vseh rabotaet ZOOM patch? u menia stota ne rabotaet libo ea ne delaiu vseo pravelino .... vse faili s zamenoi narmalino rabotaiu ..a vot ZOOM net... mojet ktota pomoci ?
  2. edinstvenii minus kak po mne to sto pastaiana kagda vidaiosh crit ...po seredine ecrana paivleaitsa bolishimi bucvami sto crituet i razdrajaet
  3. that's why I write that I played on OBT and there were no troubles
  4. if you find the problem always disconnects the server .. why does the problem continue ?
  5. why admin now is2.0 patch if server is not rdy to work ? beter play1 more month on 1.5 but after do normal server 2.0 we play 3 days in horrible situations.....why i buy premium acaunt ? WHy ilose my time? to die a few times a day ? worth ? i think no .... or disconnect the server and resolve issues