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Guildsman last won the day on October 31 2017

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11 Good

About Guildsman

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  1. WTT Dual SLS*SLS+8+adena for Dual SLS*SLS +9 PM or Mail Guildsman in game or forums. Thanks
  2. Its not personal nor to mock a clan/alliance, just for fun . Feel free to pk me, i would propably pk you too. Cheers
  3. Well, good thing elpies dont drop good adena.
  4. At first post PR was already dead At 2nd one PR is 14-15 lvls below said character .Elf opened flag first ,not us.
  5. Hello guys, dont miss the amazing oportunity to win a Scroll of Escape:Tower of Insolence floor -4(proof provided) It is really easy , the only thing you have to do is follow these steps: 1)Be 76 level Archer Third Class 2)Try to farm Energy of Insolence with your alt toon(pref. Destro) 3)Get Rekt (now its the tricky part) 4)Bring your main character and bully people 15 level below you 5)Get -4 Photo as a proof, dont miss the chance guys, you never know. Someday you might even get to toi -8
  6. Yeah and Gladi needs a skill that can crit and stun,one to avoid other skills. one for CC resistance, dash....oh wait.
  7. When you can't fight people at your level and you have to resort into bullying lowbies, stealing their 55 lvl RBs. Lucky for us 50-65 lvl people ,some of you are stupid enough to get -4 in Forest of Mirrors.