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  1. Mr. Koli I apologize to bother you again but I did a mistake unwillingly I swear. I know u just sent me the quest item but since I was left with the beginning mandragora stuff etc I decided to delete In my book of quest the Guildman's one . As a result the quest Item u just sent me disapeared. I know it is silly of me and I should have waited at least untill I had finished the quest change but what is done is done and only you can hep. ThereforeI apologize once againask you please to give it to me once more. Thanks once again. CraftYourLife.
  2. thanks a lot for the quick answer. Hoping u get nice drop plenty of adena in rea life !
  3. HI L2 Classic club team. I am making warsmith class quest and both items from ant nest and breka stronghold don't drop. HERE IS SCREEN shot below In game name CraftYourLife. Thanks in Advance for helping.
  4. Felinux

    Clan Francophone

    Bonjour je suis elemental summoner 40 mon pseudo in game est GoPoneyGo . Je suis actif tous les jours. Invite moi des demain si tu est online, a+ in game !
  5. Felinux

    cherche des FR

    Bonjour. Je suis moi aussi francophone, sans clan j'ai commencé le jeu cela fait 2 semaine, je suis MAIN shilen oracle 36 contactez moi ingame. ReddyQueen pour mon main. SpoilYourLife pour mon spoil, A bientôt in game !