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Everything posted by EasyCooler

  1. Thanks for another awesome post @FinalFen. Anyway I am interested in a combination of classes so we could also do RBs not exclusively, you know to break the monotone grind fest L2 is :). And yes I had melee RB parties in mind since it makes it interesting, kiting with archers is boring way to do it. So I guess DA, PS + WC possibly BD, could work well I guess? DA has somewhat powerful summon for dmg and PS has good melee summon as well. WC is more or less a must and a BD since he gets good dances from level 40 on. Classes we are willing to play mostly are the setup stated above. Sure we could also play other classes but since we are casuals that summoner set up could be the best idea + we are both new to summoners so it could keep things interesting for longer period of time. Thanks again FinalFen for the extensive amount of time you spent to help me decide
  2. Woow man! You put a lot of effort into this Thanks! I didn't quite catch what is best option if you want to grind and join/make random RB parties 20-50 level? And again, amazed of how helpful you are
  3. Why do you prefer SWS over BD? Because he is generally more wanted class? And in second case why EE over SE for warlord? Considering that EE and PP dont have vampiric rage buff? And yes than you for your advice
  4. I am sure things like this are asked all the time, but search didn't offer me any help. So yes since I am fairly inexperienced about strengths and weaknesses of classes on classic I would like to ask for a couple of options. Me and my friend are planning on joining this community in December and we are considering what to play. So what would be best duo for exp, pvp and money. What would be best duo for combination of those 3 criteria? Also keep in mind we do plan to keep at least one box with us 2 if possible. We were thinking a couple of options: - nuker and SE + BD - archer and archer + prophet + BD - Spoiler and another mele or AOE fighter + WC + SE EDIT: - What would be best duo to join raid parties from level 20 on? (Is it even possible to do it with random players?) Including boxes if needed. What are your thoughts, I plan to take any ideas into consideration. Thanks in advance!
  5. I have similar question but a bit more specific. How many players are online at once? So evenings and weekends? Is it over 1k active players on at once? And is it new player friendly? As I am looking for a classic server and had an eye on this one for a while but could not find any online numbers anywhere. Thank you!