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Posts posted by Corin

  1. I played Sieghardt from prelude-Kamael, the last good part I remember was Interlude, though C1-C5 were the glory days. Bunch of different toons and a bunch of different clans. Lets pop some clan names for nostalgia!

    Conviction (I remember a failed orphan raid & epic siege on an InnerCircle Castle @ Oren) InnerCircle smashed us and I've always liked them & their Logo.

    ManhattanProject in the ShadowsOfAden Alliance (Best memory was stopping Ondbey from doing zaken & then downing him ourselves) Articula had fraps of it on L2Blah long ago.

    Blaze (Remember when they joined that Fubu alliance with those Ondbey farmers)

    Catalyst (This was the top dog Alliance for quite a bit)

    ​I still have the said Articula fraps you mentioned, along with "some" others:

  2. I'm playing Lineage 2 on another server because I can't stand playing any of the shitty games out right now, they all get it wrong. Too bad L2Dex has a crappy L2 version and no one playing it.

    What I'd like is some real people to play with and enjoy the experience. Would be great if this server came up!

    ​haha Mica, glad to see some familiar names here :)