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Posts posted by aquaNIQ

  1. Hello guys,

    I've played this game like 10 years ago or so and made some cool friends. Nostalgia hit me and decided to come back and have a bit of fun with it again.

    I do have some questions and would be happy if someone could answer them:

    1. A grade is the top grade as far as I saw. I remember when I played it was Interlude and we had S grade. What Chronicle or equivalent is this one? Do you guys know when S grade was introduced on official (was it Interlude or earlier)? Will we ever get S grade here or it's this version the end game one?

    2. Is 70 the highest level? Or what is it?

    3. Do we have 3rd classes here? Do we get Titan, Doomcryer etc? I think that was Interlude also?

    4. Do you get subclasses? I know you made a quest and re-rolled a class and played that one on the same character. You could switch between them.

    5. Do clan halls have buffs?


    Thank you for any answers and have fun in game. I'm sure having fun remembering all the cool stuff like having 3 of the castles on our big alliance at some point :). Those were the days...