I known Clube for 4 years, i sell my soul in 4 different CP but waiting for server updates, many were desperate and left. So my soul was always left alone
I'm Looking again for New friendly CP which prime will be ( 20.00 - 00.00 +0 GTM )!! Let me be your slave on those cold nights that coms. If you Need Driver NO ty but if I have no choice then I take it. EE/BS " i wish to learn"
Core Char; 1 . Ghoust Hunter 77
2. Grand Khavatari 77
3. WC 77,94% have COV
4. EE 76
5. BD 68
6. PP 62
I have AQ/Orfen/Core Farm Character.
P.S. and if you don't have War you will need to have when you grow up i need PVP.