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Everything posted by Voldren

  1. i know this topis is very old, but since nothing has been done about it, instead of making new one, i'll reply to this the orc part is really ridiculous, and has been made incredibly hard for no reason the whole point of this quest is to make new players life easier, so they can catch up a bit with lvl on server that has been going on for a while (on official classic servers it wasn't introduced immediately too, but in some later update when top plyers already had some bigger levels), making it that hard takes the purpose out of this quest, because it's ridiculously hard (especially with melee) to do even with top ng stuff, and if it's doable with d grades, then what's the point in obtaining this set anyway (it's not like this set is OP or anything... on this version of the game probably it doesn't even have any set bonuses yet)? don't even start with whining, that "it's classic it has to be hard blablabla", this argument was viable on the server start, not when it's running already for few years now (every official classic server later on gets a bit easier for new players, because it's not so easy to get a pt at this stage of the gameplay, when most of players have high lvls, so it lets newbies to catch up a bit, and it's logical to do this if u want new players coming to the server, and not get discouraged too quickly) i'm struggling with this quest even while having dualbox with me, and probably i'll finally manage to complete it, but it doesn't change the fact it's just too hard for absolutely no reason and denies it's purpose, so these mobs should be nerfed to be doable solo