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Everything posted by Jammer

  1. ​Using ingame macroses falls under your definition. And what about mouses and button pads that uses macroses? ​Using an in-game macro is not using a 3rd party program. What are you smoking? This has never been the case in 11 years of L2. I think there should be a stickied "Wall of Shame" thread where all players caught botting have their character names posted. I think clans deserve to know who they have in their clan, or who they should avoid recruiting if they don't want these types.
  2. Overlord. You can DoT everything for leveling while still being a recognized PvP class.
  3. Innova is running the only one officially licensed by NC. The first one on your list.
  4. You're not ever going to want, or need, to slow down your characters leveling on Classic. Believe me I've played on RU and JP Classic servers. You'll have plenty of time to spoil what you need before out leveling it.
  5. Historically, the enchant success rate was 66.6%. Not sure if that has been changed for Classic, but I would guess that it's the same.
  6. Like the others said, I've seen nothing from the Admins that said more than two accounts on one computer is allowed, pretty sure that's the maximum. If you want to run four accounts, you'll need two computers.
  7. ​This is the right course to take. Providing a date and not meeting it causes absolute anarchy. The best way to do it is wait until you're actually ready to release it, then provide the date.
  8. As Draqla mentioned in this post (which is already locked): http://lineage2classic.com/forum/index.php?/topic/961-spirit-of-mirrors/ it would be considered to lower the respawn time of the Spirit of Mirrors quest mobs, which is currently at 3 minutes. I don't know of any other quest mobs that take this long to respawn, so I don't know why this one is so long. Every human mage will need to do this quest, there are going to be dozens of people, maybe even 50 or more, waiting for these mobs to respawn during live. Please consider lowering the respawn time to 30 seconds on all three of these quest mobs: Frog, Orc, Werewolf. Thanks.
  9. ​like there is any point trying this l2j h5, classic wannabe. Literally nothing works as it should, and they baited me (and prolly many other) with "l2off". ​At least give them their two weeks and see what they deliver at release. Make your decision at that point.
  10. It's called making a sensible point, not quite the same thing as trashtalk. Maybe RHDS can explain how it makes sense to make a recruiting post when you're leader has been absent for eight days.
  11. I didn't say you don't know about it. What I said was why make a recruiting post when no one can be approved anyway.
  12. I've had my application in since 05/16 and still no response. You guys should have someone else in charge if you're going to make a recruiting post with an MIA leader.
  13. There is also some discussion about a 2nd box being allowed if paying premium. I'm not sure if that's been decided on yet however.
  14. I wouldn't be against a rest boost, or a "Vitality" function. It does add some balance for those of us that play casually, with those that somehow are able to play 15 hours per day.
  15. Jammer

    offline trading

    ​If possible, you could add "PC bang points" to get offline shop. The more time a player stay logged, he can buy offline shop "time" with those points. (Ex: 1 hour of gameplay = 10 PC bang points. Which could be equivalent to 2 hours of offline shop) ​So you're forcing people to leave their computer on (to earn points) just so that they can turn around and shut it down with a shop up? Just allow offline shops, why keep such a great feature from your players? Don't force us to leave our computers on, that shouldn't be part of the game. ​I understand you completely but have you ever played Lineage 2 in the old chronicles? We had to leave our PC on with 1 single shop. This system would make it better for everyone who wants to play fair. Im sure people will not have much to sell other than soulshots/spiritshots and mats. You could "farm" PC Bang points to use whenever you want just by playing the game. (Ex: 1 hour of gameplay = 10 PC bang points. Which could be equivalent to 2 hours of offline shop). This is just an idea, like it's ever gonna be done ​Yes I played on Lionna from open beta until 2008. I hated the need to leave a computer on overnight or while at work which is why Offline Shops should just be a standard feature and not something that requires points in order to use.
  16. This one might be better for a skills listing, unfortunately it wouldn't let me edit my previous post. Again you'll need to translate: http://l2central.info/classic/Классы_в_Lineage_2
  17. Jammer

    offline trading

    ​If possible, you could add "PC bang points" to get offline shop. The more time a player stay logged, he can buy offline shop "time" with those points. (Ex: 1 hour of gameplay = 10 PC bang points. Which could be equivalent to 2 hours of offline shop) ​So you're forcing people to leave their computer on (to earn points) just so that they can turn around and shut it down with a shop up? Just allow offline shops, why keep such a great feature from your players? Don't force us to leave our computers on, that shouldn't be part of the game.
  18. ​How long do you forsee beta lasting? Release is 05/15m that's less than 30 days away. ​Just long enough for me to find you! =P
  19. ​This is an absolute must if you want people to stick around. It's not like the old days when we were willing (or able) to leave our computers on overnight and/or while we were at work. Why make players do that when you can offer the same shop service while letting them shut down their systems? The Offline Shop offers a huge convenience factor and pretty much every private server has them anymore.
  20. You will need to translate (so use Chrome): Classic Quests: http://forums.goha.ru/showthread_0_0_t1011349 Classic Database: http://plakis.eu/database/ Classic Skills: http://lineage2classic.power.plaync.com/wiki/스킬
  21. Asking someone to pay a monthly fee on a private server is asking a lot. $5 per month is the right amount.