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Everything posted by Zampa

  1. Hello guys,, I often try to find some information where to spoil ewc/ewb etc and its hard to do it on forum. We have some custom changes, actually pretty many of them, market in giran harbor, no enchants in shop, spoil of ewc, ewb, soon destro rush, summoner 56 lvl summons etc. I think we need some HIGHLIGHTED post containing all custom features so new ppl joining here wont be surprised and can know everything from the very begining plus old players can find importat data easily. Can you make 1 highlighted thread? like highlighted link on main page or on forum main page with all of the changes? I think its important.
  2. Hello everyone,, As a pretty heavy MMO player who never experienced or really heard of Lineage, is it worth it for a new player to check out? I've played a lot of other NCsoft games and they all seemed to be pretty well rounded but i guess I'm looking for insight from someone who knows a bit more about the game and development of the classic server to even dictate if it's worth looking at. Also what the gameplay style of Lineage 2 is? I assumed it was PVP based or something because that's kind of what it looked like, but what is the end game goal in lineage 2 and can you get there as a free player? Not looking for a money sink just a time sink really. Thanks in advance!!!
  3. Hello everyone,, #1: is this game needing alot of real $ to play? (pay2win?? type of thing?) #2: which is best classes for new player main? maybe best most wanted support/healer? also which not needing real $ to play good? (was thinking main??: warcryer/shillen elder/overlord, or an magic dps caster) #3: is there skill respec? and how #4: the Buff Set (buff scrolls) , able to buy ingame somewhere with the Adena ? or are these like new player item only #5: is dual boxing a must? #6 Middle mouse button... how do I disable this from 180'ing camera view?.. (I use middle mouse button for my VOIP) any other general new stuff let me know ty.