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Posts posted by Devolick

  1. I just say if it help to charcter playing, i am not pro i have play lineage 2 4 years ago.. so for this i ask everythink, i want play, but i dont have anymore time like i have when i have be only 16 year old. For this i ask for solo characters, to play for me, i like this game, because i dont see game nice like this one. One more game i play it's dota 2 , nut very much i like this one.

  2. Gladiator's 3rd class is called "Duelist". That describes him pretty well. Heavy armor, strong physical skills. Can win 1v1 against most classes, but doesn't get as much benefits from parties as archers or mages.

    Warlord is PvE god, cutting down dozens of monsters at a time with his polearm, but he needs a lot of support to do it. Worse than even dwarves in PvP.

    Sorcerer is a human mage. Well rounded, can AoE well, but will need a lot of mana later on.

    Temple knight, uh ... is the single worst PvE in the game. He's a tank, and tanks have very little use in this game, and even less on low levels (read: Classic), because until lvl 40, there is no difference between TK and SwS / SK and BD and they can easily substitute. And then they add buffs. So even your friend will want someone ... more usefull than a tank. Of all the tanks TK is arguably the most tanky, but has the least dps. Seriously, don't play TK unless you know what you are doing. If you really want to play a tank, play Dark Avenger instead. At least he has summon that can deal some damage, when buffed.



    ​But on classic for summoners dont have soulshots... ? How about this?

    And when better you recommend read about classic?

    You know, when i read about gladiator, i have see he have passive skill like vimpire, for solo i think nice?

    Sonic Mastery1passive00280-Absorbs the target's Momentum. Momentum can be absorbed with a 15% chance for regular physical attacks and 30% during a critical attack. Applies when a sword, blunt weapon, or dualsword is equipped. Up to 1 stage of Momentum can be absorbed.


    Why i say about temple knight, because, i think maybe cube's he have help for play after 40.. .

    Okey, and how playing you, what characters like you play?


  3. This is like classic go play h5 ++ if u want Kama.

    ​I outlined my position a bit above, you are not one who told me not like go play elsewhere. I just asked a question and got an answer which I gave my answer to the cause of a given issue. As I said, I like everything, we have not yet began to unite characters in one character after level 85 .I stopped playing the game and that. Play on a character who wants to do, and not by chance that later on will and updates NCSoft.

  4. It's a Lineage 2 Classic private server, you never see something else here, they want to have a server like official one.

    If you want Kamaloka and some other instanced stuff, you can already go on a High Five server or Official Lineage 2 server (4Game or Ncsoft).

    ​The fact that the game itself classics I like, but I do not like the fact that up to 85 lvl you play lineage, and after lvl 85+ has made another game. I think many will understand me ... I had the characters on official but meaning play there when all things are simple games lying and no one needs, and for example I inject it to the Bishop 85 lvl 3 days. I like all the update locations, 3 profession, too, would do well. By this I asked about it whether it be ?. Unpleasant when gaming, and then the game changed dramatically and you will receive one-half of a character

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