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Posts posted by Ryzer

  1. Hello!

    As title gives away, looking for info regarding class, clan possibility (prefer it over CP due to work related reasons, but not out of question)

    Struggling between destroyer or tank(extremes, I know :D)

    So far with research i have done, as I understand regarding tanks people seem to suggest DA/SK for pvp, Templar for general bulky tankiness and Pala seems do get the least love. :D

    So my question is - is Paladin really such a horrific choice pvp and pve wise? (have not played it in classic)

    What are my chances getting cp/clan or even party as a Paladin, once i ground through 1-40 .

    Regarding destroyer - naturally i have checked in pve he still seems to be doing well. What about open pvp/1v1/oly? Youtube seems to be showing me mostly over enchanted gear.

    I'm more interested in the between  - the journey. ya know ;) Also - same question regarding parties or clan.

    And just a disclaimer - not the type of person to beg for gear or something like that. 

    Thanks in advance :)

    (hope I made myself clear enough :D)