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  1. Hello L2 colleagues and Administration team! My suggestion appeared due to S grade our TI server injection. The question is very simple - even total upgraded Epic (4th lvl) jewelry versus Tateossian is not giving any benefits in m.def parameters. looks like we need up m.def at list 3-rd and 4-th epic Thanks in advance my lovely virtual society!
  2. wow, tested it just right now and everything works fine - thanks guys!
  3. Hello Dears! Any updates? The problem still exist :(, why are you ignore idea with Q.Items as privat warehouse tradable?
  4. с нуля да еще и на сборке 1.5... да уж лучше против мобов, тем более тусовки моей так и не нашлось, так что потихоньку gutta cavat lapidem
  5. Не наю как остальные, а я остался на токинг айленде

    WTB: SB, DC and QA

    Hello dears! I'm looking for some stuff, here is the BoM list below ) DC gloves +7 or +8 DC Boots +7 or +8 DC Light body parts +7 or +8 AQ 1st or 2nd lvl Please feel free contact me via forum PM
  7. @San0 @Koll Please spend a few min of your attention It still not work - items just summarised and quest not changes status. Please make Q.Items tradeable for Private Warehouse only
  8. @Torrente Ап. Будем признательны
  9. Due to autoswitching quest after 600+ mobs not works yet maybe gold decision will be more simple - make quest items Private WH Tradable - you will no need to worry about overlimit Q.Items and still can't sell or trade with someone - just store in your WH so much as you need, and take when you need it. No wasted_time_feeling with deleting items process and kept balance. @Koll please take a look on such decision
  10. Ап, все еще актуально ) Фсе ждут снитирпением
  11. I've update client and make some tests - for my char it not works yet. I have 600+ items, kill one mob and get +1pcs of 75+ item, quest is not switching in final stage. Continuous quest mob killing just give additional 75+ items and not switching the quest
  12. И про английскую версию патчика тоже замолвлю, не только лишь все! однако.