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Posts posted by Kalatarus

  1. I've tried search but I'm not finding information on the impact SoS will have on the gameplay. If it works best on blunts, does that mean destro's with blunts will be everywhere / pve meta?

    It's ways off of course, but not that far.

    I played TI 2020/21 and am starting here. It's fun to have the meta changed and the box limit for sure, but I'm not sure how to start strong here and a solo casual who doesn't want to dead-end to many times before finding my groove.

    How do you think the guys think the meta will shift in this new server?

  2. I think there should be protection for equipped weapon and epics, maybe talisman. Otherwise the risk is fun. Dropping the boots of a +6 set won't make a player quit the game, but it will make him more vigilant about his surroundings. Some items you can laugh off and work to replace. Some are just too much $$$$.


    Or sell item insurance, lol.