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Posts posted by platinumdrgn

  1. Fate is an international clan of english speaking players. We are not a bunch of super hardcore CP only wankers. We do have some CP's running but are open to more casual players.

    The ability to speak english on TS3 is a must. We are split among 2 clans ingame so groups are formed on voice comms.

    Most people are hitting 35 or higher so lvl 25+ is needed to be able to play with us. lower lvls will be considered if i feel you can catch up or you have some friends.

    Fate2 is currently recruiting tank & cpl dd's & scav & wc



  2. Why not make a thread for fate instead of bumping a dead thread with your shit clan loll

    ​Why not concentrate on leveling instead of trolling the forum Haplo, I bumped it because everyone is drawn to a thread that has nearly 3000 post's on it, your such a waste of space.

    500% sure my clan lvl / clan skill and my char lvl is higher than you guys so im fine :) been spoiling some shits around Dion :P I was just trying to help you, i mean i know you guys are a bunch of joke, but come on :P Maybe if your clan had your own clan thread it would attract more players.. I'm getting kinda tired of the spam PM/clan application your ''members'' asking to join my clan are doing, can't blame them for wanting to join something better but still.. 9_9

    ​now people leaving your clan and coming to us :( im getting tired of it! what kinda douche mandates playtime on a private server