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Posts posted by Remu

  1. 12 minutes ago, Niklay said:

    You will enjoy, but is always better to have suport char / dwarf in party while leveling your main. You don't need to pay for boxes if you have a second computer

    I was new player before two months and the things I found most helpful so far was two things:

    1. Don't buy armor equipment untill C grade. You get No grade and D grade for free from the game here (you get D weapon for some period of time also). At lvl 25 (I think) one important quest is giving you full D grade armor and shots for free. It's called Moon Knight quest. You also get the most precious thing you can imagine, a free agathion that is capable of giving you almost full mana and HP instantly every 5 minutes, also many buffs for 20 minutes every 1 hour. Sad things is that you get it for two months only and then dissapears and you can't get it on that char ever again. Having the agathion can replace having support char, but when it ends you will need it so it's better to level one with your main.

    2. Again at 25lvl you can start doing quests for a chick named Strix. She is at giran harbor (the trading place here) where you can go for free from any town. You need to kill some number of monsters at some place and you get a lot adena and exp, very welcomed for a new player.


    nice to know thanks for the help ^^