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Posts posted by Tigris

  1. Umm, no. The general consensus for what it should be is something like this:


    Damage = K*[(p.atk.*soulshot_bonus*SS_grade_bonus)+skill_power*skill_crit*2*DW_buff_bonus*SA_bonus*STR_bonus]+

    +CD_passive+CD_SA+VS / (p.def.*heavy_bonus*heavy_mastery)


    p.atk. is p.atk listed in stats screen

    soulshot_bonus is 1 for no soulshot, 2 for soulshot used.

    SS_grade_bonus: some people claim soulshots other than no grade should increase PvP damage  1,2x

    skill_power is self explanatory

    skill_crit is bonus damage from "critical hit is possible" %proc on some skills (namely backstab)

    DW_buff_bonus is the bonus of all Death-Whisper-like buffs combined (multiplied). Only death whisper and dance of fire apply in C1.0

    SA_bonus is bonus damage from SA's A grade+ weapons, does not apply in C1.0

    STR_bonus is bonus from strenght multiplier <-- does not work on lineage2classic.com, prime suspect

    CD_passive is critical damage passive of human and dark elven rogues

    CD_SA is critical damage passive SA, does not apply in C1.0

    VS is vicious stance

    p.def. is p.def. listed in target's stats screen

    heavy_bonus i reduction of critical damage from heavy armor = 1,3

    heavy_mastery is further reduction of critical damage for knight classes wearing heavy armor = 1,3

    Finally K is unknown damage.multiplier.

    Usually only K is disputed, but since it has been proven that STR_bonus has no (potive) effect on the final damage here on TI, this general rule needs to be fixed before more speciffic cases, lake dagger skills, can be adressed.

    ​What the fuck did I just read


    Dude It's as simple as

    P.atk + Skillpower + X2(Soulshots) X70-80(damage variation) + Critical Damage Steroids % + Static Critical damage(P.atk during a critical attack if any) + PvP P.atk Steroids  / Enemy P.def and PvP P.def Steroids

    Final damage is multiplied by x2 (because every blow-type skill is a critical), and multiplied by x4 If It's a critical on critical blow.


    Now test It by yourself, get a calculator and apply this formula, then test It in game and you tell me.

    ​I'll tell you right away: skillpower does not get multiplied by soulshots, to that is some 80-90% dmg difference between your formula and actual mechanics right there.

    Also your formula lacks a lot of parentheses.

    ​Final damage gets multiplied by Soulshot.

    What parentheses?

    ​duble of any kind dmg if is ''skill'' or not ..thats why the weapond its blesse by soulshot ... get the logic ?

    ​R.I.P. English.


    Not every skill has the SS Boost on It.

    You could just look at 1 physical skill formula to notice.

    My only fail was to add the SS boost at the start of the formula but that's It.

    Soulshots boost by "2" the power of a skill AND the P.atk of a character together. (If the Skill has SS Boost on his own formula)

    That's how It worked till L2 GoD.


    STR has absolutely nothing to do with the skills themselves.

    STR It's just a part of the P.atk formula of the characters (STR x Profession base multiplier) that completes the base P.atk of each character.


    Innova is not another private server are u noob or what ?? Innova will open 15 dec the OFFICIAL EUROPEAN server,  yes stay on this server Luke we dont need noobs like u on offi ;)

    ​You'll come back from Innova's server crying a river, mark my words.

    Innova already made a mistake; they let the players who pre ordered the game to enter the servers ONE WEEK before the server's official launch day. So, what If I can't afford pre ordering it right now?. A week of leveling/farming in L2 is a huge advantage and even more in the Classic version of the game. And pray for a non P2W cash shop.

    ​Ill mark your words dont worry.


    P2W cash shop?

    I like how you throw RANDOM facts to the table.


    Keep lying on people with your stupid facts that makes no sense.


    The future will tell which server will survive ->


    Another L2 private server with a few persons working on It

    Tons of NEW classic servers opening too


    Official server of a company



    I've been playing private servers for 9 years and all servers always sucked

    You think I am going to take into consideration your random facts? Give me a break...


    If you want to stay here that's up to you and It's ok, but dont throw your random sh1t at me just because you think we dont have different opinions.

    As for me, I had enough private servers and F2P officials. Now It's turn to play an official P2P game.


    The moment they will open more private classics...well you know what's gonna happen to this server.

    It's not GM's fault, It's just how this community works.

  3. Umm, no. The general consensus for what it should be is something like this:


    Damage = K*[(p.atk.*soulshot_bonus*SS_grade_bonus)+skill_power*skill_crit*2*DW_buff_bonus*SA_bonus*STR_bonus]+

    +CD_passive+CD_SA+VS / (p.def.*heavy_bonus*heavy_mastery)


    p.atk. is p.atk listed in stats screen

    soulshot_bonus is 1 for no soulshot, 2 for soulshot used.

    SS_grade_bonus: some people claim soulshots other than no grade should increase PvP damage  1,2x

    skill_power is self explanatory

    skill_crit is bonus damage from "critical hit is possible" %proc on some skills (namely backstab)

    DW_buff_bonus is the bonus of all Death-Whisper-like buffs combined (multiplied). Only death whisper and dance of fire apply in C1.0

    SA_bonus is bonus damage from SA's A grade+ weapons, does not apply in C1.0

    STR_bonus is bonus from strenght multiplier <-- does not work on lineage2classic.com, prime suspect

    CD_passive is critical damage passive of human and dark elven rogues

    CD_SA is critical damage passive SA, does not apply in C1.0

    VS is vicious stance

    p.def. is p.def. listed in target's stats screen

    heavy_bonus i reduction of critical damage from heavy armor = 1,3

    heavy_mastery is further reduction of critical damage for knight classes wearing heavy armor = 1,3

    Finally K is unknown damage.multiplier.

    Usually only K is disputed, but since it has been proven that STR_bonus has no (potive) effect on the final damage here on TI, this general rule needs to be fixed before more speciffic cases, lake dagger skills, can be adressed.

    ​What the fuck did I just read


    Dude It's as simple as

    P.atk + Skillpower + X2(Soulshots) X70-80(damage variation) + Critical Damage Steroids % + Static Critical damage(P.atk during a critical attack if any) + PvP P.atk Steroids  / Enemy P.def and PvP P.def Steroids

    Final damage is multiplied by x2 (because every blow-type skill is a critical), and multiplied by x4 If It's a critical on critical blow.


    Now test It by yourself, get a calculator and apply this formula, then test It in game and you tell me.

    ​I'll tell you right away: skillpower does not get multiplied by soulshots, to that is some 80-90% dmg difference between your formula and actual mechanics right there.

    Also your formula lacks a lot of parentheses.

    ​Final damage gets multiplied by Soulshot.

    What parentheses?

  4. Umm, no. The general consensus for what it should be is something like this:


    Damage = K*[(p.atk.*soulshot_bonus*SS_grade_bonus)+skill_power*skill_crit*2*DW_buff_bonus*SA_bonus*STR_bonus]+

    +CD_passive+CD_SA+VS / (p.def.*heavy_bonus*heavy_mastery)


    p.atk. is p.atk listed in stats screen

    soulshot_bonus is 1 for no soulshot, 2 for soulshot used.

    SS_grade_bonus: some people claim soulshots other than no grade should increase PvP damage  1,2x

    skill_power is self explanatory

    skill_crit is bonus damage from "critical hit is possible" %proc on some skills (namely backstab)

    DW_buff_bonus is the bonus of all Death-Whisper-like buffs combined (multiplied). Only death whisper and dance of fire apply in C1.0

    SA_bonus is bonus damage from SA's A grade+ weapons, does not apply in C1.0

    STR_bonus is bonus from strenght multiplier <-- does not work on lineage2classic.com, prime suspect

    CD_passive is critical damage passive of human and dark elven rogues

    CD_SA is critical damage passive SA, does not apply in C1.0

    VS is vicious stance

    p.def. is p.def. listed in target's stats screen

    heavy_bonus i reduction of critical damage from heavy armor = 1,3

    heavy_mastery is further reduction of critical damage for knight classes wearing heavy armor = 1,3

    Finally K is unknown damage.multiplier.

    Usually only K is disputed, but since it has been proven that STR_bonus has no (potive) effect on the final damage here on TI, this general rule needs to be fixed before more speciffic cases, lake dagger skills, can be adressed.

    ​What the fuck did I just read


    Dude It's as simple as

    P.atk + Skillpower + X2(Soulshots) X70-80(damage variation) + Critical Damage Steroids % + Static Critical damage(P.atk during a critical attack if any) + PvP P.atk Steroids  / Enemy P.def and PvP P.def Steroids

    Final damage is multiplied by x2 (because every blow-type skill is a critical), and multiplied by x4 If It's a critical on critical blow.


    Now test It by yourself, get a calculator and apply this formula, then test It in game and you tell me.

  5. You're 100% right Sephix, I respect your opinion and other opinions, 

    I also think this is a concern, and should be handled with care, I don't think

    the casual gamers for example, will stay on this server when they drop their 

    equipment while pve'íng.

    ​Classic is not for casuals, if they would remove this, a lot of people would quit, because we want to play classic, not some shitty easy x20 h5 server.

    God i hate people who join a server and then try to change everything because its too hard for them.. This is a CLASSIC server, CLASSIC = drop items when you die on mobs, so if you cant handle it WHY did you even come here!??!?!


    ​I agree with you that we should not make any changes to classic since then its not going to be classic but telling 60% of players to leave is not good idea :) dont you want some mass during pvp? I also think that future updates will remove this feature anyways. Seems like they keep adding more & more stuff to "L2 Classic" so I would not be surprised if they fix this as well but only time will tell.

    Also removing this feature is not as easy as fixing 1 line of code and would delay going live by at least a week since it would have to be tested etc... I'd rather see server go live SOON!

    the poll doesnt mean shit. :P  not everyone will see this poll and come vote, a lot of people only check forum on general discussion or news to see if there is GM post about launch, they dont care about reports or suggestions. if they remove this option, a lot more people will quit, because this is the main challenge of classic, its the REAL l2, not the goddamn casual L2 for noobs. Remove this and what do we have left? lil casual noobs can ks your mobs without any penalty, if you want to punish them you will have to pk them, get red and risk dropping, so you're punishing yourself too. but with this? if some1 is being a little dumbass you can make him die to mobs and they risk dropping items. The people who want this removed are the casuals who likes to be little dicks on forums or in chat but never flags :P *cough* HeartBreakers clan *cough* xD 

    ​Dude I dont care If It Is going to be removed or not but you are just annoying lol

    You dont have to repeat yourself over and over again calling the community noobs.


    ​Don't be mad because you're a casual. you can rage quit and go back to your x1000000 rate priv server after you drop your no grade.


    Don't worry, idiots always trying to change everything in this game to be easier are annoying too. its cry babies like this who killed this game on retail and made it super easy mode.


    PS: My CP can offer you protection for adena if you guys are too scared to leave town xD  

    ​I'm playing this game since c2 and played over 4 years in retail servers. (mostly Lionna before the merge in old chronicles)

    You dont have anything to teach me and you dont have any right to insult me like that for no reason.

  6. You're 100% right Sephix, I respect your opinion and other opinions, 

    I also think this is a concern, and should be handled with care, I don't think

    the casual gamers for example, will stay on this server when they drop their 

    equipment while pve'íng.

    ​Classic is not for casuals, if they would remove this, a lot of people would quit, because we want to play classic, not some shitty easy x20 h5 server.

    God i hate people who join a server and then try to change everything because its too hard for them.. This is a CLASSIC server, CLASSIC = drop items when you die on mobs, so if you cant handle it WHY did you even come here!??!?!


    ​I agree with you that we should not make any changes to classic since then its not going to be classic but telling 60% of players to leave is not good idea :) dont you want some mass during pvp? I also think that future updates will remove this feature anyways. Seems like they keep adding more & more stuff to "L2 Classic" so I would not be surprised if they fix this as well but only time will tell.

    Also removing this feature is not as easy as fixing 1 line of code and would delay going live by at least a week since it would have to be tested etc... I'd rather see server go live SOON!

    the poll doesnt mean shit. :P  not everyone will see this poll and come vote, a lot of people only check forum on general discussion or news to see if there is GM post about launch, they dont care about reports or suggestions. if they remove this option, a lot more people will quit, because this is the main challenge of classic, its the REAL l2, not the goddamn casual L2 for noobs. Remove this and what do we have left? lil casual noobs can ks your mobs without any penalty, if you want to punish them you will have to pk them, get red and risk dropping, so you're punishing yourself too. but with this? if some1 is being a little dumbass you can make him die to mobs and they risk dropping items. The people who want this removed are the casuals who likes to be little dicks on forums or in chat but never flags :P *cough* HeartBreakers clan *cough* xD 

    ​Dude I dont care If It Is going to be removed or not but you are just annoying lol

    You dont have to repeat yourself over and over again calling the community noobs.