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Posts posted by Gelthias

  1. This was a bannable exploit in c2 yea... pretty sure thats a bug.

    Either way... I have no clue how this particular bug works on this server.  ON RETAIL there was a bug where people would use a higher lvl summoner class(warsmith/DA/Warlock/ect) and would party with a low lvl and then have the summoner sit out of range while the summon killed a mob and the low lvl stayed in range of the mob. The mob would die and the low lvl would receive all of the xp from the mob as long as the low level hit the mob at least 1 time. The result was a quick way to power lvl low levels.

  2. it is one box per pc, not IP, that means if u have 2 PCs you can log 1 client on each pc.


    ​you guys need to start reading the whole topic before making questions. xD

    ​I have read the post and kept up with post since the OP posted it(not to mention the countless other posts regarding the topic since July).

    I wanted solid confirmation from an admin that there would be 0 repercussions for having a 2nd or 3rd or in my case 6th pc running the game.You have now given me this conformation. Until this point there was little to no in-depth info regarding the subject, and you have to remember, up until recently there were only 2 admins, so communication was scarce.   ;)


  3. Answering to your most important question: yes, players with North and South America IPs won't be able to purchase subscription and/or enter the game.


    looks like NA/SA got the short end of the stick. goodbye americans :v

    but you never know. if they're lucky, maybe they'll get a server too, if NCWest decides to make a poll like 4game did in EU and it gets enough people interested.

    ​lol vpn Bro.

    There is already an alliance forming from the N/A players that are currently on the Russian servers and are moving to EU

  4. if u dont like it why u stay here and flame this shit? just leave and bb lol

    ​He isn't flaming, he is simply stating the facts.

    I do not think that anyone is mad and ungrateful ... I believe that everyone that has voiced their irritation is simply disappointed. We all want this project to work, but there is no real news or communication. I have only had a forum account for a little while but I have been watching this server for MONTHS. There have been multiple betas and MULTIPLE promises of release that have all fallen through. We all have been on the server and see that there are a few bugs here and there but from what most of us can tell, none of the bugs are game breaking. It appears as if the server should be live at this point, but no one really knows whats going on, its all speculation. 

    I would LOVE to see this project up and running. I would LOVE for this to work out, and hopefully it will; but after august came and went and there was no real news or updates, I seriously doubt that it is going to happen. It is a bummer because myself and my friends have been waiting on this for a while. 

    ​There is crafting bug, dupe in crafting. And u tell there is no game breaking bugs... lol u know no shit

    if u dont like it why u stay here and flame this shit? just leave and bb lol

    ​He isn't flaming, he is simply stating the facts.

    I do not think that anyone is mad and ungrateful ... I believe that everyone that has voiced their irritation is simply disappointed. We all want this project to work, but there is no real news or communication. I have only had a forum account for a little while but I have been watching this server for MONTHS. There have been multiple betas and MULTIPLE promises of release that have all fallen through. We all have been on the server and see that there are a few bugs here and there but from what most of us can tell, none of the bugs are game breaking. It appears as if the server should be live at this point, but no one really knows whats going on, its all speculation. 

    I would LOVE to see this project up and running. I would LOVE for this to work out, and hopefully it will; but after august came and went and there was no real news or updates, I seriously doubt that it is going to happen. It is a bummer because myself and my friends have been waiting on this for a while. 

    ​There is crafting bug, dupe in crafting. And u tell there is no game breaking bugs... lol u know no shit

    No need to insult. 

    I see that you just reported this bug a few hours ago and I've never noticed this bug on my crafter. Maybe it was just on the 1 rec you were working on at the time? I have crafted ss and all kinds of stuff more times than I can count and I've never had it dupe or continue to craft when I didnt have the mats . I'm not saying that it didn't happen, I am just saying that my crafter has never had it happen. One would think that with the MONTHS this server has had for beta testing, that would have been noticed much sooner haha. 

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  5. if u dont like it why u stay here and flame this shit? just leave and bb lol

    ​He isn't flaming, he is simply stating the facts.

    I do not think that anyone is mad and ungrateful ... I believe that everyone that has voiced their irritation is simply disappointed. We all want this project to work, but there is no real news or communication. I have only had a forum account for a little while but I have been watching this server for MONTHS. There have been multiple betas and MULTIPLE promises of release that have all fallen through. We all have been on the server and see that there are a few bugs here and there but from what most of us can tell, none of the bugs are game breaking. It appears as if the server should be live at this point, but no one really knows whats going on, its all speculation. 

    I would LOVE to see this project up and running. I would LOVE for this to work out, and hopefully it will; but after august came and went and there was no real news or updates, I seriously doubt that it is going to happen. It is a bummer because myself and my friends have been waiting on this for a while. 

  6. It will undoubtedly be a bannable offence. IMO its not worth the risk when the time investment is so great. I'm not so much worried about the monthly fees because they are so small. Its mainly the amount of time i would invest in the game. If i am going to invest copious amounts of time playing a game, I at least want the peace of mind knowing that there is no risk of being banned just for playing. :(

  7. We are right now discussing to change our website layout and announce the grand opening date! Expect it in few days!

    8/27/2015   No new news :(

    I know for a fact that running a server is a HUGE headache and it's not easy when you have a ton of people nagging you about every little issue.               I know its not always possible to pin down a date but I would just love to know if everything is okay and things are still on track for this project. 
    Please, don't misunderstand my tone. I am grateful for all of the hard work you guys have put in and continue to put in to this project. I know it is purely a political move to appease the masses (especially when there is no new news to give), but a little transparency and a little communication go a long way. 

  8. I just created 40 accounts to vote yes couse this is a main core feature noobs

    See u in live training mobs and killing shops in giran ;)

    ​I'm pretty sure someone is doing that for both. I watched this page for about an hour last night and I watched the "no" vote jump up by about 50 lol. I was ticking up in increments of 5 to 10 each time i refreshed.

    I am pretty sure the admins know that this is going on because they can see the IPs.

    Besides, votes don't matter. They are not going to change this fundamental part of the "Classic" server because a few people crying about it.

  9. @Sephix  Try to look on the bright side. Think of all the good things that can come from being able to drop items. You can play a bounty hunter or TH and train botters and possibly get loot. You wont even have to worry about bots fighting back. Heck, even if they aren't bots you can still train your enemies, and if they aren't paying attention you will nail them! 

    I can't tell you how many times I got trained at lower lvls by BH's. Most of the time I dropped nothing, sometimes I dropped worthless stuff and other times I would drop jewelry. I also cant tell you how many times I would play my BH and do the same thing to bots and players alike. :D

  10. You're 100% right Sephix, I respect your opinion and other opinions, 

    I also think this is a concern, and should be handled with care, I don't think

    the casual gamers for example, will stay on this server when they drop their 

    equipment while pve'íng.

    ​Classic is not for casuals, if they would remove this, a lot of people would quit, because we want to play classic, not some shitty easy x20 h5 server.

    God i hate people who join a server and then try to change everything because its too hard for them.. This is a CLASSIC server, CLASSIC = drop items when you die on mobs, so if you cant handle it WHY did you even come here!??!?!


    ​Preach it! I was on retail from beta-C4. When the original dev team left ncsoft, the game began to change for the worse and cater to the carebear crowd.

    We are starting to see a shift in the industry away from the carebear games that so many casuals enjoy. Games like the upcoming "Camelot Unchained" and the ever classic, "EvE Online"(a hardcore pvp game that has refused to change to cater to the carebear community and had continued to thrive and grow in subscriptions)  to name a few; offer a hard core style with definitive loss and severe consequence for each action the player takes. 

    I find it refreshing that the gaming industry is seeing a need for hardcore games with severe consequences for the actions that the gamer takes and a definitive cause and effect style of game play that forces the player to think through their actions and not mindlessly breeze through the game. Classic L2 offered this style of game play but it was unfortunately lost over time through poor choices by NCSoft and their dev team. Thankfully, we have servers like this one that wish to bring back the "hardcore" style that so many of the old school gamers long for. If people don't like hardcore Lineage then they should just play a good low-rate interlude server.

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