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Everything posted by bobi

  1. I've been reading through the forums but it seems like everyone has different opinion on that, or maybe it's different for each server, i don't know since i started playing the game on this server for the first time 🙂 1. What dyes should I use? I read somewhere that + WIT is best, but is that true? Also if it is - +WIT - what? 2. What is better melee or caster set and which for C grade and up? Thanks in advance EDIT: Wrong topic. I'm playing on Dion x3
  2. bobi


    Hi guys, I apologize if that's not the right place for this thread. I've been thinking it for a while and I finally decided to start playing this game, but it feels too overwhelming with the limited information about the game on the internet. Or at least I can't find much. I really liked the Phantom Summoner and I started playing towards that. Does anyone bothers saying a few words about the leveling process what to and do not focus on, and some tips in general for newbies like me about the game, the server or the class I chose? Also I would appreciate if someone share some online resources about the game which I can use (like wowhead for wow). Thanks