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About Divers

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  1. Divers


    I mean i write to Admins Skype, give names. But okay, where should i let names of people, who use software?
  2. Divers


    Brrr and his twink QHP are still boting, even i report them.
  3. There is bots everywhere, just under the gates of city and all over the isle
  4. Why offline trade always disconnected? i still have my quest items as offline shop, should refresh my offline trader almost every hour... When i am playing on my main, sometimes i write pm to my offline trader, first hour he is online, and then he get off, but items are not selled...
  5. I dont mean crafting shots, just wonder why there is no crafter who selling SPirit Shots craft, for example you have D weapon that use x2 mage shots. To kill monster you need to cast twice. Spirit shot cost 18 adena each Blessed SPirit shot cost near 40 adena Here calculation 18 x 2 x 2 = 72 adena for killing monster 40 x 2 x 2 = 160 adena for killing monster The difference between 1000 shots will be 22k
  6. В пати кто-то нямает опыт, либо ты лвл апнулся и експы стало меньше, проверь одинаковые ли мобы тебе попадаються, и да - оверхит добавляет експ. Ты уникален, твой процент опыта прыгает, ты сломал сервер и системы, поздравляю
  7. Why no one craft this thing https://l2central.info/classic/Рецепт:_Заряд_Духа:_Ранг_D_(100%) It cost like 1800 to craft 100 shots (1 DxCry, 3 Spirit Ore), so each shot cost near 18 aden Much worther then BSSD, so why there is no crafters for this? Give the same Cast speed)
  8. but... profit?) i will totally spent 200 Cols for nice accessory, for example Valakas or Antharas, anyway, you answer to my queston so we get your point)
  9. Hey, are you going to add new accessory in game? For example i would like to spent 200 Cols on it, but there is not so huge variation. That will be great if you will add this http://www.linedia.ru/wiki/Ruthless_Tribe_Mask
  10. I found few bots and have screen shots