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Posts posted by z0rr0

  1. My bad, it seems that I messed up with the skill Frost flame and Ice?Cold?Freezing? flame (dont remember exact name), the 2nd and much more used DoT skill of shamans, wich has a pretty good land rate compared to this Frost flame you were talking about.

    And yes, skill levels pretty much incorporate into the land rate of skills, the same like (or even more) lvl difference.

    90% skill land rate I was talking about applies when all lvl requirements are met (this is based on ru classic discussions). 

  2. Then why did I receive soulshots on RU classic by doing this quest?

    I guess you received them in 1.0 ru classic, and l2central is showing the information about 1.5 or 2.0 or what else is currently enabled in ru classic.

    Anyway, it is a pirate/private server, so some shit is gonna be messed up.

    P.S. you can definately get soulshots in another weapon quest, from 12 lvl.

  3. FYI

    Trigger works only after 40+ 


    ​first u said that it doesnt work on this chronicle  and now you are telling me that it works after 40??? and yes it works after 40 on high five freya and so on  but not here
    it feels like u enjoy talking some bullshit that u dont even know , so when we are saying something that means we have played on other classic server and we know it now just stfu and leave the rest to admin

    ​Easy boy, no need to be so rude, when someone is trying to help you...

  4. guys - what is shout chat for? Mostly for stupid flud, advertising and swearing. Every one from community (russian or another) will participate in it? Nope. Only small part about 5%. So, there is very good solution - spend some time and put them to blacklist. Let them talk to eachother only )))

    ​/block only works for private messages

    But you probably won't miss much, if you turn off !shout and +chat in the general tab.

    ​/block works for shouts and trade messages too...

  5. Don'y say 10 euro is too expensive for 1 month.  You probably buy fast food 2-3 times a month, that's at least 10 euro right there.  Don't go to a fast food restaurant 1extra time a month, save that money, buy a PA.

    2.5 dollars. No more

    ​I agree, kinda awkward to pay more then the official supplyer (Innova) charges.

    Reduced price could attract even more users to donate, but it seems it's kinda late to change policy, as it will hurt people that already purchased.

  6. разнылись буржуи, скоро придется вам учить русский язык на рудниках в сибири

    ​"Miscellaneous bourgeois, soon you'll have to learn the Russian language in the mines in Siberia"

    Aaw man, dat hate...

    ​It's sarcasm, mate. We, russians, can not live without jokes, you know. Or we will freeze.

    The real "hate" is in this topic, and it is directed to russians.

    • Like 1

  7. 10% death penalty, PK removing skrolls only for donate (fixed?)... not wonder that there is so little PvP and PK...

    I hope administration will follow the official classic path and will implement 4% penalty in 2.0.