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About iMpulse101

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  1. по аграм ПЛа вижу, что пачка обречена на успех.
  2. ты даже не представляешь, что тебя ждёт на барде, по морали просядешь за первую неделю, если не раньше. удачи тебе и твоему будущему ПЛу.
  3. Hello dear Administration Here's the deal: I've played on ru classic server and I know what I am talking about. We used to level up on portas by gathering them using magic poison (by wizards), while EXCUROS were standing near them calmly, they were not social. In other words, Excuros do not aggro, when you aggro a porta and krator, but on this server its unable to gather a room of portas/krators, because excuros keep chasing you right away. Please, try to fix this problem, many players and I will be greatful. Regards