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Everything posted by iskander

  1. If i understand right .. the server is GoD but in C1 platform ? Is not like the old lineage right ? The grafics are GoD?
  2. Hi all.I dont realy know what it means client 1.0 so i have few newbie questions.I wanna know about spells ''sleep'' or ''cancel'' (sps skill).In last cronicles was fast casting that spells.It will be fast as old times or slower like interlude style? On necromancer skill ''transfer pain'' work like in interlude? I see that max lvl is 75.there is skill ''vortex''? There is 3rd class and subclass ..?..if yes in wich lvl? Soulshots will work by hand or automatic? If someone die from mobs its probably to drop items? How many skillbars 1 or 3? What about dualbox ? And in general what else different than interlude? Sorry for all these questions and thank you !