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About hurricaneQC

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  1. hahaha the true make ppl mad ? This is how L2 works i dont so its a fraud sorry ^^
  2. up ..... maybe guys you can agree x3 was to high and x1 is to low only one soluce X2 maybe ? x2drop/spoil
  3. please dont lock this post let ppl say what they have to say
  4. Not the first time i hear that history so i decide to post to talk about about that i hear rain wa paid 20kk to farm in dv and many other do the same so what now ? admin agree that ? dont care if server gonna die if nothing change or what ? i cannot prove that but im sure many ppl know the real true so ... have a balz pls and make something cause what player want its a good time play like old school nostal so what they will do next ? play alone take all castle and no one to atk it ? lool come on
  5. sorry to ask if alreayd posted but i cannot find on forum there any new mod like morin mod ??
  6. so keep it for you maybe ^^ if you hate to say lol
  7. ​ so what about ppl who did'nt play within 24-48 hour and did not vote or try at x3 to give opinion ?
  8. oki shut your mouth and enjoy playing not more opinion close topic ? i see
  9. Topic doesn't make any sense. We already announce that Quest will be made. We already announced that it will be made only after 1.3 update. We already announced that PK scroll from Judge will be removed and will stop working. First thing .... WHY THESE PK SCROOL WORK YET ? second thing all voted for 3x and other 1x for drop /spoil rate ofc rate of drop was to high but you make this vote and close into the same day soo I ask plsss remake another vote doesn't make any sense. why just dont put x2 ?? so all stop complain and not more war about it i confess drop was realy to high but ... now for spoil its totaly nerf is it possible to reopen a vote and wait like 4-5 day maybe ? not close it a decide into couple hours
  10. We are always open that we can read
  11. fight back ?? for what for lost 2 day of farming without any gain and get chasin by noob donater of lvl 61 cause they have just to many bot 2 month ago and buying some gold from capri clan ???? loool
  12. anti game well server empty will fun to play
  13. The problem is the Pk scroll is ruin the game Pk system when i see some guys with his team and getting karma i know i dont have any chance to drop his item ... its too easy to go in floran to ouputt that anything its not like a old l2 ^^ you pk cause you have balz to risk your stuff its not like that now ..... that's anything
  14. hurricaneQC

    Clan fr

    lool au bout de 2 semaine payant ou pas tu verra des bot et des gold farmer faut pas rever .. avant de critique renseigne toi de la config ici mais c'est pas grave de toute facon tu as raison ..... meme si sa coule ya pas que toi qui sais ramé sur un bateau