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Posts posted by Navrass

  1. Are you, guys, serious? NCsoft made party 9/9 for reasons. It was always 9 people full party back in the day. Before shitty update... Everyone one was upset when it came out, coz they had to dismiss 2 members from their party. Parties became weaker. Obviously, possibilities of 9 people is way more higher than of 7 people. You can farm more mobs, you can DPS more. Dont you understand, that the party is a unit. Unit becomes weaker when its not full, and when I say full I mean 9 ppl, not 7. 

    Another point of view on the problem is a simple math. Basically, 5 parties with 7/7 is 35 people, when with 9/9 its 45. We have 5 parties that missing 10 people. It's not that hard to imagine how much weaker they are. So to compinsate that loss you need to gather more parties. More parties=Harder to organize.

    If you still dont find 7/7 worse than 9/9, we can go even more deeper into the problem. It becomes clear that party lose much of efficiency. For example, you have one party that have warcryer/sws/bd/bishop. That means you have a party that consists on 4/7 of supports and 3/7 dds. When with the 9/9 its 4/9 supps and 5/9 dds. 3 dds vs 5 dds. 5 dds have 40% more damage if you do math. You have more than one supp on one dd. So if you apply this on a whole server there must be more supports than dds on a server. But it's conversely, there are more dds, but they cant fit in, coz there's no room for them in a party. Hence, two poor dds always aside somewhere.

    7/7: 5 parties = 35 people = 20 supps / 15 dds = 60% DPS

    9/9: 5 parties = 45 people = 20 supps / 25 dds = 100% DPS

    Of course you dont feel 7/7 bad, coz you either solo player, either less than [paste lvl here] that can easily farm with 60% dps coz mobs are weak.



    Да уж, с таким раскладом новые люди подтянутся)))


    обиженный? в скайпе вот таких людей которые хотят позадротить, и не понимают что есть такое лайф кп больше 20 и забило с них на сервер 80%

    ​Нет, просто рад что не пошел к неадеквату в КП.:D

    ​надо было написать, что у тебя онлайн 3 часа в день и сразу бы взяли. ну что ж ты такой 

  3. I've been thinking about future of this server too, I think it's questionable. And the main reason for me is that admins are fixing party bug about two weeks already and it's not yet done. I don't complain about it, I know its not that simple if it's even possible. But I must ask you a question, admins. How do you even want to advance to classic 2.0? The changes in Chronicle update and your fix that you want to make is not even comparable. 

    Basically, I think many people are losing their fate with knowing that obvious fact.

    P.S. Unless admin have some 'noodles' for us to eat.

  4. I've found that 90% issue of  instantly teleporting by standing in place causes when you hit monsters with skill or casting animation and you press Esc. Still once monster got killed by other people or you just need to save some mana. I updates my client today and still encountered 2 times by doing the same thing... 

    Shooting monster wind strike - Esc. ->character broke.

    ​so basically we shouldn't use ESC anymore. thanks for telling us how it works, but i think there's also other ways to accidently break your character. one time i was just running doing nothing and that happened... maybe its geodata, maybe its connection it can be anything

  5. Admins, let me show you just one more thing that you guys wont fix this year. Just for you to see.


    1 spiritshot/soulshot official 4game database for l2classic

    2 spiritshot/soulshot on our lovely high-quality server

    I'm not even mad. Seriously, can we at least have bugs that help players here?

  6. Просто крик души...

    Просил бы админов переделать скилл stun таким образом, чтоб в пвп его можно было использовать только на флагнутых персов, ну или хотя бы уменьшить его шанс в пвп. Уж слишком много на сервере крыс. :S

    Некий, простите, мудак подбегает к тебе, впиливает стан (который на меня, палус кнайта, проходит со 100% шансом - ни разу не было так, чтобы его на меня юзнули и он не прошел) и делает релог, тем самым снимая с себя флаг. А ты лежишь себе на полу с -10% еще и дроп этот урод собирает с тебя. Понимаю, что это, можно сказать, особенности хроник, но количество игроков практикующих это доставляет реальный дискомфорт.

    Понимаю, что ничего не изменят, просто поделился эмоциями.
    Спасибо за внимание.

    ​если бы админы хотели, мне кажется, они бы это не смогли сделать и за месяц

  7. Hello.

    Why do you facing these problems?
    This is PTS files. They were "borrowed" before beta test stage. For this reason, there is a problem with the party of 7 characters. Since NCsoft made Classic on their last client in which the number of members in the party equals 7. Unfortunately, in our case it's way more difficult as we don't have the NCsoft source code itself, and our fixes are made as an additional .dll (extender), which are correcting the errors, it is called reverse engineering. Due to the fact that the files were taken before the beta test, we are facing other deficiencies, which we will solve immediately after we will fix party bug.

    We have provided to everyone interested the proof that it is not Java, but PTS server.

    At the moment we offer the best free Classic server. Yes, it's not perfect, and some of you in anger can say - **it. But these problems arise only from the fact that we got the files in this state. But we do not try to make it an excuse, we work hard on correcting every error. But you also have to understand, a small group can not solve such problems as fast as a huge staff of the NCsoft company.

    We make everything to quickly and, most importantly, qualitatively perform our work.

    ​im rly glad we have free classic to play. i can deal with all these bugs as feature of this server. "the 7 party members classic where summoners are nerfed and you can die to mob due to bug that dont let you move".

    lets be real. i dont believe that it would be fixed for a long time. maybe it wouldnt even be fixed. there's a lot of people who dont rly suffers from it. we just play what we have. hardcore is hardcore. ppl who dont gives a fuck will stay. majority of others who rages about bugs will stay too. they just need to chill out. seriously, u guys r gonna leave server coz of that shit? lfmao u weak.

     at least we got x3 rates

  8. yeah right, so you telling me the fact that persons has 2k+ blue gemstones, and a shop saying CRY D Dx DDD CRY 350 adena CRY D it was all a mistake...

    anyway, theres a rulle about it and he broke it.

    and on official everything is allowed, its like the republic of the bananas in there, so thats not a very good argument xD

    ​pure guys farmed that much of gremlins and it didnt pay off

    • Like 1

  9. не знаю, сервер более менее, учитывая, что классиков я больше не видел фришных. понятное дело что взяли какую-то сборку и начали пилить ее под классик. что-то получилось, что-то нет, но по большей части это классик. я лишь надеюсь что админ будет работать над багами и недоработками. если нет, то да, серверу долго не жить.

  10. почитал форум, почитал ошики, сложилось впечатление а PTS ли сборка?Как ваши ощущени?Сборка норм ?

    ​объясни ка мне, какое по-твоему отличие pts от не pts

    ​java - govno, PTS - top, MNE POH YA DCP

    ​мне почему-то кажется что ты верно описал автора

  11. почитал форум, почитал ошики, сложилось впечатление а PTS ли сборка?Как ваши ощущени?Сборка норм ?

    ​объясни ка мне, какое по-твоему отличие pts от не pts

    зайди на pts и зайди на яву, покаайся и сравни

    ​ты не понял. мне интересно узнать это от тебя

  12. почитал форум, почитал ошики, сложилось впечатление а PTS ли сборка?Как ваши ощущени?Сборка норм ?

    ​объясни ка мне, какое по-твоему отличие pts от не pts