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About Victoro87

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  1. Thanks for the answer, i didn't went to see all the posts, i went directly to the known "Report List", which suppose to have all this kind of problems in it, if this is a description error it should be in it, you cant blame people from "not reading the forum" when you have not added it to the official known report list, and as i mentioned in the beginning, this was placed in behalf of some other guy, always looking up to improve the server, not because it affects me directly
  2. Im doing this report in a behalf of a friend, but apparently the NG forest bow item says it consumes x4 soul shots, but in reality it consuming x7 soul shots each attack? is this correct? dont know if this is happening with the rest of the NG bows, but its worth checking, thanks, br.
  3. Hello Guys, recently i was leveling on Ruined Bend, near Gludio, and apparently some spiders made a doubled stacked poison? is that a bug or is totally normal? because my help went from 500 to 10 in 5 seconds, here is the picture!