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About Sayien666

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  1. Sayien666


    dont worry cryer friend gave me that account and i want to change email for my own
  2. Sayien666


    Is it possible to change email of an existing account?
  3. Sayien666


    Ive got problem with privileges in clan. One of my clan members has all privileges but he cannot take stuff from cwh. Is it a bug?
  4. Anyway, Why isn't it reported in forum Updates?
  5. U were scaming for it to GMs?
  6. After update RBs are coming back to their spot in a few second. U didn't mention it in Update's forum or is it a bug?
  7. Thank you. Close topic.
  8. At the moment, the approximate time of the fix is: Friday or Saturday, November 20th or 21st. In this topic you will be receiving full information on the work of the party system.
  9. Just want to know how is progress of 9 person party.