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Posts posted by toppp

  1. ok but still 20 days after starting ? do u realize how much the economy will change?? instead of making it COMPLETLY imposible for new ppl to close the gap better leave it the way it is?  imo this is completly dumb. 20 days of 100% adena droprate and now to 70% ( Even less beacuse green mobs have lower then 70% chance.)  
    ok. economy fucked already. i dont see any point for me and my friends to stay here. less new players and more players will start to leave. its just waste of time . even if u bot 24:7 u still cant catch the 40+  players already beacuse u wont be able to farm with shots now. idk how ur staff came to this decision but its completly nonsence. 
    im feeling bad enought that ive spend  more then 2 weeks here. 

    • Like 1

  2. Why it was made only now?

    Because now economy changes, and some of the players will go to minus, because of new change.

    most of the players will just leave. what minus u are talking about. big "professional" staff we have right here. i wont even say that its IMPOSIBLE for new players to reach somehow the old players? do u realize that?  tired of this kind of servers. all they care is the money they made after oppening.

    • Like 2

  3. Ok guys. i dont understand why would u do that 20 days after server starts. do u realize how much economic will change and how many ppl will leave?
    we can take the bugged spoilrate ( sometimes not even 1x for some mobs) and now u revert the adena rate? is this for real?  if its not gonna change back to 100% many ppl will start leaving including me and my group.
    best regards but still completly unprofesional . bots farmed Shittons of adena for top D/C gear and now the gap between the new players and the Old players is completly unreachable. do u realize that?

    • Like 2

  4. sano u said server is not running on java.  u have paid the rights to ncsoft and they sold u the off files or what :D:D. idk why u lie the poor randoms. i dont see anything wrong using l2java. its free and its easi to fix/edit etc. if its not l2java as u claim we all wanna see the contract for the off files. 

    edit: u can just lock this topic aswell with the answer " we are not using l2java" . but most of the ppl that are into programing or some sort of know that u cant have l2off files.

  5. daggers are inferior to both archers and mages in old chronics or old chronics alike like this one, taking out a bow if you get rooted/slowed is not an answer, and we are talking like if a dager can 1hit everything, and trust me is not the case

    asuming ppl knows how to pvp and asuming somehow you got close to mages undetected/unharmed you still need to deal with, for example, agression, and is a lot easier to agro a dagger than a 800range mage/archer

    you guys also saying things like "all mages will have devotion, duh", well, everyone will also have no grade jewels if thats the case
    ppl who like daggers will defend it, but the class is as crappy here as it was in the older chronics, and whoever says daggers are "as great as they were in c1" well, clearly understands as little about pvp now as he did back on the day

    i said it before and i say it again, any melee dps with no skill to cut distance are bad compared to the range ones just for how the pvp in l2 works

    now that i made my point clear, not saying that is impossible to play a dagger and kill ppl, the class is fun and all, but dont expect it to be even comparable to mages/archers partys

    ​so much this. but most of the community doesnt understand that. ppl already learned the meta(most efficent tactic avaiable) and tghey are all rushing mage/archer partys. its not like back in c2-c3 when everyone had no idea what they are doing .

  6. actually u c could run to aden and the rest of the map behind the mountains after hunters but russian developers fixed the geodata glitch.  also all castles/territories/texures are client sided so i dont its bug if they exist. there are no npcs/mobs so its pointless to be there anwyay

    on topic: making final quest rates so ppl can text the actual drop rate would be nice.

  7. I pretty much understand that people are disappointed. This server was announced as fully translated and game-ready. For me it was a big attraction to play like from day 1 and enjoy the same adventures once more.

    The truth is however that majority of texts are in monkey language so normal person has no clue what is requested and what are they even supposed to do. Surely there are workarounds, but why would one bother with google translating or trying to find english translations on web.

    Official Classic server has been announced just few days ago and i will personally much rather wait few months to play balanced and complete game than to start here and enjoy array of disappointments when skills are not properly balanced and everything is based on some fan-made idea of how things are supposed to be.

    This server had an opportunity to become L2 Classic number 1, but instead it will crumble into dust once real L2 Classic is released by Innova.

    PRESS FUCKING ALT+U WHEN U TAKE QUEST AND EVERYTHING IS IN FUCKING ENGLISH.  also this "monkey" language is way better then english. english is a dummy language thats why its the most common language in the world.

    edit: no im not russian and my mother language is not cirliyc .  

  8. There are not so many mobs in L2Classic :D around 200 so it can be exactly configured as they wish to.

    Although static 3x spoil chance and 1x spoil amount is good enough and easy to implement. In L2Classic there is nothing with spoil chance greater than 1/3 :)

    Getting more exp than adena/mats is common problem in L2Classic. You can always suicide :)

    ​the point is to be balanced.  3x xp and 2x spoil is bad idea. all spoilers will get 2/3 of what they should. which leads to economy disbalance and fucking up the spoilers.

  9. Здравейте виждам че има интерес за цп  смятам да играч 1-дестро 2-AbyssWalker 3-warcryer 4-dark avenger 5-bd и аз мисля че клана harbingers е с добра организация и видях че имат и стреим ако на някой му се занимава да организира цп мога да играя след 7 до 12 играя от ц1 n00bwars nick IkillYou

    ​ako shte e  CP da e mage. s teq meleeta e mnogo nakazanie. na malak level nqma gear nqma pari za pots. obiva6 1 mob i si puska6 nqkoi klip dokato regenne6 hp :D top melee partty-to v ruskiq classic e 57-58 level kato ima6 na predvit 4e magovete bqha 62+ predi 2 meseca a meletata sedqha okolo 52-53 :D.(za top melee  partyto v severa govorim) koeto si boti i farmi 14-20h na den :D) i absolutno vsi4ki biqt s eminence za6toto e po dobre da se kite vmesto da te healvat a i ne bqga6 do mobite postoqnno. 

  10. Здравейте и от мен! Все още обмислям какъв клас да играя.
    Чувам че буферите са били доста търсени и необходими.
    Поздрави и до скоро в играта !

     sws-to shte e nai tursneta klasa kakto obiknovenno. samo 4e 6te sadne6  dokato go digne6 za da te vzimat v  party s tva sws