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About PimpJuice

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  1. when i was banned i my healer wasnt on auto follow it was a small circle of mobs like in orc barracks my healer was in the middle not moving was just a click of a button bro...get a clue and stfu botter
  2. I dont know about anyone else..But I like to act afk when I am 2 boxing so when someone gets stupid and kills my buffer and goes red I can turn around and loot them....Not everyone is a bot because they dont respond to you...Come and talk to me while im grinding and bother me for buffs i will ignore you cause I cant be asked to type when I am grinding it out hard core...If I dont ask you 2 party I dont wanna party with you I dont wanna buff you I dont care to know where your from..I am of the mind frame of go fuck yourself...If I was to get banned by gms without warning all because I refuse to socialize with idiots then this project is fail...Mass reporting people your butthurt abut to get them banned but yet you will sell their chars back to them is kinda cheap
  3. If people wanna donate to help a server then why not