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Posts posted by xtapodita

  1. Hi  as the title say  i made a offline shop and after 10 min a friend said  ur shop disappeared

      i logged again made a shop and logged out  and after 10 min my shop disappeared again

    i didnt sell anything the shop just got disconnected or smth  .    after a while my friend went and made a off shop too to test it and after 10 + min it disapeared too .. 

    fix this please .


    sorry for my english o hope you understand what i said :D

  2. Seriously make an announcement so ppl go there and make shops from every gk the teleport is free too .. i have to walk town to town to find good buyes .. this is crap :D

    wake the server admin make an announcment about Monster Derby track Free teleport from every gk  shop area.  or smth like thank . ty

  3. i got that feeling ! that feeeling !!! 

    tell me you gonna join raidfight and ill be happy
    .the most stable server  i ever played ! 

    and the other one server  i had in mind is L2toxic another long live server that have the quality to have a server like classic .

    those are the best and  longest projects i know  everyy other server i have played made wipe every 3 months  :/ i whouldnt go with them

  4. as the post says .  
    melcsoft  got x1 rates and donate x3 .... not cool at all :D i am 15 lvl playing 12h around and some streamer got dwarf and he is 23 lvl ..... >.< 
     but ppl going there and if they go 25 lvl + they wont leave to come here later ...   
    atleast i wont leave it if i go 20 lvl  + its to harddd to start from the beginning again ...

    THATS WHY give us something damn ittt

  5. 10 days passed no news come onnnnnn just a little bit of news !!! 
    just to feed my mind .   
    everyone here check the forum everyday and there not even a litle thread a little post on a little thread from admins .
    im not asking for a major announcment like 10000 thinks fixed  ++ 
    just post the usual we fixed those 10 thinks . we are close  .........

    • Like 2

  6. it took 10 years + for diablo 3 to realese and it was A piece of trash.
    i think we can w8 5 months to play on a good l2 server : <>

    ​Si hubieran dicho eso de entrada como no, pero nunca se supo el error por el cual este server no abrio el 15 de mayo, cuando abrio la primera beta la gente decia esto durara 1 semana y estaremos jugando el live nunca nos dijeron cuanto pensaban estirarla ni siquiera un estimado cuando abrio la segunda ya con desconfianza volvimos a pensar lo mismo que duraria no mucho mas de 1 semana pero tampoco fue asi, hasta que aparecio una luz de esperanza cuando en un post draqla dijo "agosto no terminara y estaremos en vivo" esa luz de esperanza se esta apagando y solo vemos gente postear mas y mas errores. Soy muy negativo lo se pero perdi mucha gente que iba a jugar conmigo por todo esto y no quiero perder a mas.

    ​what the fack man you broke my google translate .

  7. the first month you wont be able to go out of town with out party  . 

    there will be more than 10k ppl who will play the first  month ..  

    then the kids will emo quit slowly day per day .  

    and then the no life elders will left behind to rule the game :D unlimited pvp/pk no safe zone for anyone muahahahah


    by the way the world of l2classic will be so little . 3k ppl will be like a 15k ppl on hi5  you wont be able to move . 

  8. egw 8a pekso SwS/ kai  afta  

    I fili m lene ti classic  ama den einai x1 ekatomirio o server de pezo WTF  ? :D

    i malakes ka8onte kai pezoun ston tales p exei donate baium kai mlkies ... trelenomeee


    tsp 8a sikosoume sigoura clan guys  i perisoteri ellines de kanoun pote forum account  opote 8a sintantisoume polous mesa  gia na stisoume 1 aksiologo clan :)