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Posts posted by sielawa

  1. Hey!

    I've been waiting like a month for the grand openng (or beta) expecting trully international (with language treated as international european language - english) server. Im not from england, i learned english mostly by my own self playing games so why russians cant? What gives them that privilige? Stealing part of Ukraine (im not ukr)? Russia isnt even part of europe it lays on Eurasia. I entered beta only for like 20 minutes and im already tired of russian spam, ofc theyre not using russian alphabet (they cant yet?) but i know how it gonna look on grand opening. Anyway, there are like 20 russian playable servers or even russian classic what makes this one special? rates? client? Im so disappointed and im not goin to be part of it. Good luck!

    ​Oh yes lets bring politics in.... very good nice nice. 

    Anyway it's international server so speak w/e language you want, stop being a bitch about it and adapt or gtfo.

    U know what international means? That there are multiple nations playing, using language that MOST nations can understand - not BIGGEST POPULATION nation like russians. Anyway im done so i wont reply anymore. GL!

  2. Hey!

    I've been waiting like a month for the grand openng (or beta) expecting trully international (with language treated as international european language - english) server. Im not from england, i learned english mostly by my own self playing games so why russians cant? What gives them that privilige? Stealing part of Ukraine (im not ukr)? Russia isnt even part of europe it lays on Eurasia. I entered beta only for like 20 minutes and im already tired of russian spam, ofc theyre not using russian alphabet (they cant yet?) but i know how it gonna look on grand opening. Anyway, there are like 20 russian playable servers or even russian classic what makes this one special? rates? client? Im so disappointed and im not goin to be part of it. Good luck!

  3. Generalnie w Insomni wcześniej w HofD na Dune, ale miałem w tym czasie sporą przerwę w l2 nie zajmowałem miejsca w Isno niepotrzebnie później z kumplem byłem w Vae Victis które zmieniło się w Sabbath ostatecznie w większości wcielone do Insomnii :)

  4. Prawdopodobnie aktywny PP (lub któryś gnom) szuka klanu lub niewielkiej ekipy. Nie interesuje mnie gra w strikte CP, mam chęć wrócić do korzeni a w czasach mojej świetności nikt nie przejmował się CP, nie licząc klanowych kółeczek wzajemnej adoracji. Chętnie dołączę do jakichś starych wyjadaczy z Dune lub Abyss x3