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llcoolj12 last won the day on December 3 2015

llcoolj12 had the most liked content!

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4 Neutral

About llcoolj12

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  1. Ok to be honest i was not aware of this gold trading companies on private servers.
  2. Hi Ok when i first saw the auction house i tought wow .. nice idea. Then i realised... What with real money? After that... i saw 50% commission ?... I hope this server will not become a " We run this server to make Money and thats why we run it, server" ATM im fine with that! (Lets say Ok not fine) like u said you need also to make some money. But i hope not everyone will instead of selling their stuff ingame with adena sell it only anymore to make Profit with real Money My opinions.... Greetings
  3. The Website dosnt redirect to the new site Just for information
  4. Hello Guys I installed l2 to my Girlfriends computer and i will force her to start playing l2 Please dont ban me it will be same IP with 2 clients but for sure it wont be Dualboxing Greetings
  5. All i wanted to say is: AWSOME SERVER!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks you so much admins !!!! I read alot of complains.. but guys... This is the most awsome server ever Yesterday i had a random party of like 6 people in elven ruins it was so fun haha Good old days are Back Cya ingame