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Posts posted by ArcherSenpai

  1. You two idiots have no idea what you're talking about. I never donated in my whole life. All the money I got from selling items from RB/Drops went into buying EWD (plus the ocasional EWD drop from RB). I did 3-4 RB daily most of the days. Just because some people don't understand how to make money doesn't mean everybody is a noob. Keep it ontopic please and no more drama.

    ​You might not be a bot, but you sure buy adena from sellers, u don't need to "donate", in fact donation don't make money as u needed to have to make a +13

    Plus, drop rate is very low even for RB, U needed to make RB every day and all of them to make that, and by doing that you would be broke before have a trial because of ssd/ssc consumption.

    Don't be afraid to tell everyone that you bought Adena ;)

    ​Never bought adena and never will buy adena from f*cking botters. I started here as a tank, it was hard as f*ck to get gear so I made a spoiler and nuker, got them both to lvl 30ish. Got a lot of money by not using SS during farming, limiting my SS for RB to about 2-3k SSD so even if I get no drop, I even out my costs with the adena it drops. I kept a lot of materials I farmed back in November and sold them recently (price for CBP at start of server was 800-1000 adena, now its 7k). I buyed mats cheap in gludin/gludio and sold them at high prices in dion. I play this s*it for 10 years, I know everything there is to know about this game, about how the economy works and I can predict easily what items can bring you profit and what items prices will drop in the next few 3-6 months, all based on the levels and gear of the population on the server. So when a scrub like you comes and acuses me of buying adena from noob russian botters (which I killed a lot on this servers by making trains) I get pissed off. Drop rate is not low for RB, if you say that you are a noob who only did 2 RB and then ragequit because he got no items. I got 3 full weapon drops from RB, and 3-4 EWD, not to mention the s*itton of Viper Fangs and Puma armor I got by farming wolves and warewolves near Floran. Learn to play the game, learn to use drop calculator websites and learn to behave yourself son, you're just a lil' jealous noob who thinks that just because he sucks at the game, anyone who doesn't, is either a bot, a nolifer, a donator etc. /rant b*tch

    Also : Got bow to +13 first try, just a quick fyi

  2. You two idiots have no idea what you're talking about. I never donated in my whole life. All the money I got from selling items from RB/Drops went into buying EWD (plus the ocasional EWD drop from RB). I did 3-4 RB daily most of the days. Just because some people don't understand how to make money doesn't mean everybody is a noob. Keep it ontopic please and no more drama.

    Now it becomes suspiciously ) are you one of RB the jungle? The admins check what he bought )

    ​Learn to speak english before posting, maybe someone would understand you then. I have no idea what "one of RB the jungle" means. Most people doing RB 28-35 know me as I was constantly joining their parties. Besides that, if you think that someone who plays here since early November is unable to get 6kk worth of items (1 Reinforced Longbow + 13 EWD) and you think that is suspicios, all I can say is LOL !

  3. You two idiots have no idea what you're talking about. I never donated in my whole life. All the money I got from selling items from RB/Drops went into buying EWD (plus the ocasional EWD drop from RB). I did 3-4 RB daily most of the days. Just because some people don't understand how to make money doesn't mean everybody is a noob. Keep it ontopic please and no more drama.

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