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Posts posted by Pinko

  1. Dudes stop bitching every single melee class is like that. Y it should be fixed but so far there is no info. It`s not summoners only - daggers, singers,dancers, warwords, glads, tanks, orcs and dwarfs - everyone have this problem and not every single melee char has stun. It`s clearly visible in a melee party. Latency fix did not help sadly ;/

  2. Tbh the main problem came when some time ago when asked about the update (shortly after the poll if we want 1.5 directly or 1.3 b4 that) we got info from the admin team that they do not wat to give a date or a rough estimate because if they fail do it by the said time the community will not be happy. After that we got info that they had a meeting regarding the update - but nothing, then they had another meeting and we had "soon" as an estimate that could mean a couple of months more, and then after all that we had an official topic with the worst possible update date with everything going wrong and that was not expected but it was said as a precaution - then this was changed to the 7th of march (current eta). 
    Adding to that we have no information whatsoever what is going with the update what will be included even what is being worked on atm what has been done already and what is left we see that the staff did something they said they do not want to - why ? How ? And we get some random hack drama - imho this would`ve killed any other server out there cuz this means only 1 thing - someone failed hard at their job . Someone from your support staff accidently gave admin rights to a random ticketeer ? What ? Yeah we`ll totally believe that, also the money topic was used as an excuse for no update not enough adena for scripter and now we`re seeing the donation total - and it should be more than enough for an update to 1.5. Maybe the next article will be - well guess what someone from our support team or one of the other admins took the donations and now we`re broke. Ofc he was fired but we have no money so expect the update around June. 
    San0 had a hearthbreaking message - if it`s true and i choose to believe it for now - get your shit together and start working and managing the process. You are making money out of this and if you want to keep it up so ppl can enjoy it - do it, don`t just talk about it, give us more information do not just randomly choose a sentence from someone and leave everything else aside with no info. The people that are still here still believe in this server and do not want to leave and just admint that they`ve wasted their time - give us 1.3 on the 7th of march or earlier and give us 1.5 by the end of march then 2.0 around august or smth - cuz no one really plays during the summer.

    /p.s. Samus don`t sell those duals - give them to me .. for safekeeping :D

    About what we can do i`m currently trying to help a few friends lvl to 40 and do their quests and get c equip for them, i`m leveling a few chars while i wait for them to catch up and i can level 1 or 2 more but tbh after that i`ll be bored to death. I normally play with 1 main char and something else that i want to try or really enjoy playing on the sides but normally that 2nd char of mine never goes above 42-46 simply because most of the time i need to be on my main and have more things to do with it. Sadly this is not true here at least not yet. Bizzquit said smth about a 3rd side that was true but no one is doing a thing for now.

  3. Couldn`t care less tbh. Still can`t fully agree on the money explanation but this is one of the few servers that even give one so ... meh. We`ll see if we`ll ge the update on the 7th.
    Glad that someone posted the screens here i was being flooded with pms with download links and offers to get a great file, still working(and i`m assuming ofc 100% "safe") via FB - somehow i`m not impressed. 

    Okay guys - you managed to fool someone from the team or get him to help you. It`s over and done - do you see anyone even commenting about the Giran Incident ? No ? The team did a great job (at least as far as i know) and everyone are happy on most servers this was going to lead to a rollback and if the last backup was the friday 7 days ago - GG - lot of ppl were going to leave - i was trying to hit 40 from 39 and died 8 or 9 timest at the time (i`m good :D  - but no drops) so getting back to 39 and no quest done was going to make me stop. Even if it was the right thing to do - but it did not happen.

    I still want more information about the update but i think this topic is closed and done - no need to leave any future topics open tbh. This one included but let ppl share their thoughts.

  4. Best of luck Morim :) Make at least 7(or 8) kids so when you include you and your wife - you`ll have a full party :D

    I wish you that everything goes smoothly - moving and stuff, have an EPIC wedding, be extremely happy with your loved one and earn a lot of money, work less and spend more time together :)  

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  5. that`s not cool but it`s part of the game tbh - if someone scams you ... it`s your fault you do not have a timer when bying or selling so :) Same  thing with bone helmet parts in shop and the message says brig helm parts. :) 
    Normally i had items like these and was keeping them for the next event on the server - if everything is fine this will work here too - we`ll wait and see. Will be happy if this turns out to be a server i`ll spend a few years on.

  6. So we`ll have the drop/spoil patch after the update too :) That`s  great,  thank you! You could`ve just said we don`t want to deal with this go find your own drop and spoil info we won`t implement into the game again.

    The other part was about what you said for spellbooks that they will be like 1.3 not like 1.5 because the mob(from 1.5) will not exist. Will we have info on these mobs/books/drops? For now I know only of plakis but that`s for 1.0 , so info/links for 1.3 and 1.5  database or a list for the mobs that we need for 1.3 and their drops and a link for a 1.5 DB. That`s towards the community too not only the administration.​ But i can ask about that after the update it might be easier :)

  7. on the update drops will be as on 1.5 version, so you dont need a database with 1.3.

    the only difference we gonna have is that the top b items like blue wolf, doom etc wont be droping.

    so you can use any 1.5 database.

    also for spellbooks, drops will be as 1.5 except on the cases where the mobs do not exist yet on 1.3. in this cases (which are 2 or 3) the books will drop as on 1.3 version.

    Probably a stupid question but will the current drop/spoil info in-game be updated  or we`ll have to ask Morim to be so kind and provide a new patch?
    Also if anyone knows a 1.5 database it would be great if he/she could share a link here. 
    @San0 will we have the mobs/items/parts/recipes/etc... that will be from the 1.5 zones mentioned in the update or we`ll have to guess? , like a list in the forums once the update is done, or we`ll have to guess?