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Posts posted by TaraMora

  1. So lets talk about the stupidest tactic known to lineage2. Are the gm's actually checking if these shitty little cam's on the ground have premium or not? I guarentee 100% its adrenaline users bypassing your duabox system and not even actually paying for adventurer

    ​No need for a Adventurer Acc to play Dual, easy use ur Laptop or second PC or third Laptop it works perfect ( i tried it with my PC and 2 Laptops) 

  2. 1) U dont need to know! Why should all Playerstatistics shown to u and why u "need" it?

    2) There is no reason for a single player like u Sultan to know about all other players on ther server. 

    3) If u decide to show the statistics of players Koll than let the single players decide if they wont there stats shown or not

    4) if this starts where does it ends? let all people see what someone got inventory/bank/guildbank etc. ?

    5) in my opinion there is not one single reason to show any stats to other players 

    6) i say that before and say it again this brings strife cause of human nature like being envious of another player and makes especialy solo players target for pk and other reprisals 

    7) plz Koll mind that personal stats and data are a very sensitiv informations, i have seen already on other servers the hunt on players cause of all stats are shown 

    ty and have a nice day @ all :)


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  3. Its human nature if u post here for example playerxxyxx has 1kkk adena than other people get envious on him and in l2 i see everything like hunting such players by clans to get payed not  to do it again and so on. I mean here on server its normal to pay for farm in some region like it was discussed here at the forum.